The veterinarian who killed a cat with a bow and arrow last year is fighting to keep her license to continue practicing veterinary medicine. Kristen Lindsey posted a photo of herself holding the dead cat with the arrow in it on her facebook page in April 2015. After it went viral and caused public outrage, she was subsequently fired from the Washington Animal Clinic where she worked and her license was revoked last September. She was not charged with a crime citing insufficient evidence by the Austin County Grand Jury.
The hearing began today with the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Lindsey says the cat she killed was a feral cat and not the neighbor’s cat named Tiger.
Claire Johnson, the last owner (and her husband) of Tiger, was first to take the stand today.
Lindsey took the stand and said she shot the cat within 20 seconds of seeing it believing it was rabid. After shooting the feline, she examined him for rabies. She didn’t think the cat was rabid. Lindsey said the cat died quickly.
She said she wouldn’t have killed the cat if she thought it belonged to someone.
When asked if she thought a bow and arrow are an appropriate way to kill a cat, Lindsey said, ” I believe it was efficient, but appropriate…No.”
The hearing continues tomorrow.
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Are you kidding me? I thought they revoked it.
What a crazy world we live in.
No way should be allowed to practice medicine on animals.
What she did was bizarre and so is her trying to get back her license.
She better not win back her license to treat pets. What vet kills a cat with an arrow through the head posts the photo and brags about it? No..license for her!
She showed no compassion and their oath is first do no harm. She doesn’t deserve to keep her license.
I’ve read where she received death threats. While I don’t condone what she did and believe it was beyond cruel, I also don’t condone threatening her life either. Her license should be revoked. End of story.
She cries and we’re supposed to believe she’s sorry after posting that cruel picture. Give me a break.
I can’t believe she’s fighting to keep it after she murdered a cat with an arrow! Is this woman for real?
No way. No person who can do this to an animal deserves to keep her license.