Live pigeon shoots have been held for more than 100 hundred years in Pennsylvania. These shoots are not considered cruel by District Attornies in Berks and Bucks Counties. PA is the only state in the nation to openly hold live pigeon shoots.
This may change with HB 1750 which will ban these barbaric shoots, finally!
Ending the cruel shoots has been an uphill battle for decades due to the NRA (National Rifle Association) fighting the ban with their “big guns.”
Join me tonight as Senator Roy Afflerbach (retired) will be my guest as we discuss this extremely timely topic. A vote is due in the immediate future on HB 1750. Sen. Afflerbach is the founder and past president of Humane PA.
The show starts at 6:30 PM on Ch. 15 (Comcast) Ch. 21 (Service Electric). Can’t see the show in your area? Streamline the show live over the internet by clicking on this link. Please feel free to call in with your questions/comments and tell us what you think about live pigeon shoots.
To learn more about the bill, click here. You can also contact your legislator urge him/her to vote yes to 1750.
I hope this bill passes. Pigeon shoots need to be outlawed!
sure as hell hope so!
Not much time left. Seems the NRA and all of its money seems to be winning the battle AGAIN. Why do the Senators cave to the NRA while animals are being treated so cruel??? Can money buy your vote??? Elections are coming up. If they vote HB 1750 down, let’s vote those who were against the bill out! They work for us and we can get rid of them!!
won’t happen this year much to my dismay. : ‘ (