State Senator Pat Browne (R) introduced a bill with language in it to end the barbaric and cruel “sport” of live pigeon shoots in Pennsylvania. SB 715 is in the Senate Judiciary Committee awaiting action and also co-sponsored by 19 other legislators.
According to Browne in a memo to other Senate members, he wrote:
This bill amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to further provide for the offense of animal cruelty.
Specifically, the legislation would prohibit the use of live animals or fowl for target trap shoots and block shoots. A trap shoot involves immediately launching a moving target and a block shoot involves a tethered or stationary target. An individual who willfully organizes, operates or conducts one of these shoots commits a summary offense.
The shoots involve trapping and transporting live pigeons (long distances)in trucks. At their destination, they are kept in a box with a spring. They are sprung into the air where the participants take turns shooting, maiming and killing pigeons for no other reason than to destroy them. The birds suffer during the transports where they are not fed or given water. They are kept in cramped conditions only to find themselves being flung in the air for a few moments and trying to survive a barrage of gun shots.
SB 715 exempts all hunting or other activities authorized or permitted under Title 34 (Game Code) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes and under 58 Pa. Code CH. 147 (relating to special permits). This legislation will protect legitimate hunting activities in the Commonwealth but will also prevent the use of live animals or fowl for purely target practice activities.
The NRA has always been its strongest opponent which led to the House not voting in October 2014 on its predecessor, HB 1750. The NRA believes if a bill to ban live pigeon shoots is passed in the state of Pennsylvania then all forms of hunting will be banned. However, B 715 specifically states it will protect legitimate hunting.
From my experience and interactions with hunters from PA, the vast majority do not find live pigeon shoots as hunting. There are also NRA members who oppose live pigeon shoots as well. The NRA states the following about pigeon shooters:
“The participants are law-abiding, ethical shooting enthusiasts, hunters, and sportsmen who would not tolerate an activity that would constitute cruelty to animals.”
The NRA is a huge lobby group who paid off Representatives last year not to vote on the bill. They use and abuse their power to squash the bills to end these antiquated shoots each time.
The voices of those who oppose live pigeon shoots are needed to ask your representative AND senator to vote to end these horrific shoots. Please call so Pennsylvania can finally see the end this cruel anti-sport!
Have a story, please email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at
I’ll call. I know my legislators do support the bill but will call again to express my outrage.
Nope. Theh NRA will use its money to pay off lawmakers to get what they want. IT proves money can buy anything even at the expense of animal’s lives.
Highly unlikely.
No. Not gonna happen. The NRA won’t budge.
I want this bill to pass but don’t see how it can happen with the NRA pushing their lobbyists on the lawmakers. They caved last time and they will again. They don’t seem to care pigeons hurt and suffer.