Each year over 1.5 million vehicle and deer collisions occur across the United States. I have been involved in not one, but two of these car accidents resulting in the death of two bucks. Both instances couldn’t have been prevented.
An impact with a deer can cause significant damage to a car and costs insurance companies and motorists a heap of money.
No one wants to find themselves in smashup with a deer. Or do they? For me, crashing unintentionally into two gorgeous deer were frightening experiences and I would have done anything to avoid them, if at all possible.
What happened yesterday could have easily been prevented but it took one driver who either didn’t care or wasn’t watching what was directly and clearly in front of him.
Only 24 hours ago my husband was driving on Rt. 176 in Berks County, Pennsylvania when an injured deer was making its way to the highway. He wasn’t able to decipher if the whitetail deer was a buck or doe. Whatever the sex, the deer was huge, according to my husband.
As the deer was limping slowly, my husband decelerated considerably in the right lane. The deer was approximately one and half blocks away and was clearly visible on this clear, crisp morning. This area of road is known for deer crossings. Hence, signs are placed on this stretch of road every few miles to warn oncoming traffic of the high volume of deer crossings in the area.
The animal was beginning to cross the highway in the passing lane from the grassy medial strip. The slow-moving deer limped at a steady rate.
Suddenly, a small car sped up beside our car in the passing lane. My husband blew his horn at the driver. Screams at the other driver obviously went unheard. Attempts to get this driver to slow down were unsuccessful.
The deer was walking into the right lane when this oblivious driver unanticipatedly swerved over to the right lane directly into the path of the deer. The deer was literally slammed dead center!
What happened next was a sight that still has my husband rattled. The large deer was thrown 12 feet high into the air with his legs flailing and came crashing down to earth with so much force that the deer was dead on impact.
The driver didn’t stop. When pulled over to view the deer, there was no mistake, the deer had zero chance of survival.
After leaving the deer, what was seen could be called sweet revenge.
The other car was now sitting alongside the road, smoke emanating from its engine and the front end of the vehicle demolished. The driver was fine.
This driver drove either directly toward the deer as if to hit this beautiful creature on purpose or wasn’t paying attention to what was obviously in front of him on the road. There is no other way to describe the lamebrained actions of this idiot driver.
Whatever this man did to cause the death of an injured which could’ve been prevented has left my husband and me with immense anger and disbelief.
A wounded deer’s life was snuffed out while trying to make its way to the other side of the road when this irresponsible person took its life. Why would anyone swerve into the path of a deer?
Perhaps, we need more of these signs!
I think it was just a case of an impatient , idiot driver. They think only of themselves and not of the possible outcome of their selfish actions. If the deer had been a child, they would likely have hit the child. They don’t understand the terms, caution or safety. I drive through deer country often, and have been blessed to avoid a collision. I stay hyper aware and drive slower, especially during rutting season.
The guy is an idiot. Whether he did it on purpose or not, he clearly didn’t care about speeding let alone if a deer was crossing the road despite the signs letting you know. I always going slower. I don’t want to be in an accident with a deer. They do extensive damage to cars. I also don’t want to be the cause of its death. People are careless. Sounds like he got what he deserved.
I’m a hunter and contrary to what some believe, I hate seeing deer get by cars. This guy was an idiot. He wasn’t paying attention and driving too fast. A deadly combination for the deer. He was lucky.
and someone who doesn’t care about animals!
Because he’s a moron!