Last night Joe Namath, former NFL legend, threw the toin coss at the beginning of the Superbowl but that isn’t why everyone is talking about him. He wore this infamous fur coat and has the news media outlets and social media are buzzing about it but not in the way I had hoped. Sad to say, I watched a few morning news programs today and not one said a negative word about this obscene gesture on Namath’s part.
For that matter, neither did the following social media sites.
Huffington Post : ” However you feel about the coat, one thing is for certain: The former NFL star certainly made the otherwise lackluster football game way more entertaining to watch.”
Hollywood Reporter : “Though the coat is really nothing new, the fact that Namath busted it out for Super Bowl XLVIII is nothing short of badass. And for that, we commend him.”
Esquire: ” What amazed me is that he didn’t look like a total fool. He certainly should have, and many men who might have attemtped the same thing wouldn’t have fared so well. But there he was, with that grin, and he looked, if not stylish, well then, at least in on the joke. He looked comfortable and proud, and that’s what came across. It reminded me that, while the cut of your jacket and the length of your pants can go a long way to making you look presentable, sometimes none of that matters. Sometimes attitude and confidence trump all those nit-picky rules and regulations. With news cycles metabolizing as fast as they do these days, it’s doubtful that many people will remember who won this year’s game a few years hence. They will, however, remember Namath and his in-you-face fur. So you be the judge: Who really won the Super Bowl?
Did anyone stand up for the rights of the animals whose fur was worn by the flamboyant former football player? You bet and you might be surprised.
It appears the only ones in the press who seem to have their fingers on the pulse of what is wrong with Namath’s “what not to wear” coat is the Student Operated Press (SOP).
“The Super Bowl was so boring that when the game mercifully ended all the talk was about Joe Namath and his oversized fur coat.” ” I don`t care how old Namath is, there`s no excuse for wearing fur. I hope PETA gives Namath hell until he passes on to the other side.”
And you wonder why the fur industry thrives as it does. Adulation of the fur industry by the media only perpetuates the brutal and barbaric fur industry. I see more and more celebrities donning fur coats. It seems reaching the more supposedly wiser adults is outshined by their more enlightened and perceptive younger generation.
All I can think of is how many animals had to sacrifice their lives in a cruel manner so a moron can look ridiculous.
Grrrr, this makes me so angry!
Awful and disgraceful!
Also, thanks for permitting me to comment!
He looks so stupid! Stupididty at its best.
The media is clueless as Namath and other so-called celebrities. Commending him for wearing dead animals. The media should see up close and personal what the fur industry is all about. At least kids know the truth. Adults could learn a thing or two from them!
I can completely agree, it’s horrible that the media doesn’t say a word of scorn about it. And it works as passive encouragement for other people who aren’t educated on the issue.
It’s disgusting. :S
Regards! I like it!
People who wear fur to display it like this are fools. All they’re showing is their ignorance or stupidity to support an industry that allows the murders of innocent animals so people can wear them on their backs.
Anyone who supports the fur industry is just as bad as this idiot. Showcasing a fur and everyone complimenting him. Where’s the humanity?