Tim Zimmermann, Associate Producer/Co-Writer of the documentary Blackfish which revolved around Tilikum the killer whale who was involved in the deaths of three people including former deceased SeaWorld trainer, Dawn Brancheau, was my guest last week on (A Close Up Look at) Animal Welfare Issues.
Tim and I explore the ending of SeaWorld’s captive orca breeding program and what this will mean for the future of SeaWorld and their killer whales.
Tim is an exceptionally talented writer who has authored, “The Killer in the Pool,” and “The Blood in the Water.” They center on the deaths of Dawn Brancheau by the oldest male captive orca Tilikum and Alexis Martinez, a trainer at Loro Parque in the Canary Islands in December 2009. He was crushed to death by an orca two months prior to Brancheua’s death.
Tim’s knowledge shine through during this program. If you want to learn more about SeaWorld, be sure to check it out!
Have a story, please email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at https://www.facebook.com/ACloseUpLookAtAnimalWelfareIssues.
Great show! You were right about Tim. Very good. I can’t believe how SeaWorld has gotten away with treating their animals for years.
very interesting.
Good program. Tim is very insightful. I hope SeaWorld will put the orcas in sea sanctuaries. It’s the right thing to do. Thanks for a job well done.
Agreed a thousand times over!
Impressive show. I’m not going to wait until we see what happens with SeaWorld and their captive orcas. I’m doing something now. Zimmerman says we should wait but I disagree. We need to keep moving on this. Life In captivity isn’t cruel for the killer whales. Why do you think Tilikum killed three people? It’s unnatural to be in a big “cement pond.”
I liked it. I hate SeaWorld!
Good show! I still won’t go to SeaWorld. Killer whales are going to be living there for a long time and being tortured in the process. They need the ocean or a sea sanctuary. That is animal cruelty despite SeaWorld not recognizing that fact.
I saw Blackfish on CNN the other night. SeaWorld has no conscience to allow Tilikum to be around people after killing a woman and not telling any of the staff. I can’t believe what I heard and saw. I am beyond disgusted!