A dog, “Leao”, sits for a second consecutive day, next to the grave of her owner, Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who died in the week’s catastrophic landslides in Brazil, at the cemetery in Teresopolis, near Rio de Janiero, on Jan. 15. Brazilians braced for more rain Saturday, fearing further landslides after walls of muddy water tore through towns and claimed some 550 lives in the country’s worst flood disaster on record.
How ironic this story is when I happened to come across the story of a dog named Hachiko who waited for his deceased owner for nine years at a train station on tv the other night.
Hachi, was found by a professor, who took him in back in the 1920’s. Each day Hachi would greet the professor at the train station when he got home from work at the University of Tokyo. One day,………didn’t return. He died of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Hachi returned to the house. When he realized the professor wasn’t returning, he started his vigil at the train station. He was given away only to escape and return to the station.
For nine long years, Hachi waited for his owner until his own death in 1935. A true story of undying loyalty. I recommend the movie.