According to an article in today’s Reading Eagle, eight deer have been found dead on Wyomissing parkland by the Game Commission instead of the original number of three.
An investigation is underway but so far no one knows who shot the deer or removed five of those eight carcasses between the dates of February 26th-28th.
Out of the three carcasses originally found, two were found to have bullet wounds. The third carcass’s death could not be determined since other animals had “ravaged” it.
My question is…how do they now know there were eight carcasses instead of two? The Game Commission says five carcasses were now removed according to the article. How did the number change from three to eight? There was no mention of more carcasses being found but yet the number of deer killed has risen to eight? Confused? So am I. Where’s the proof?
Second of all, what makes this different from Charles Evans Cemetery? Nine deer were killed by sharpshooters hired by the game commission at the cemetery. Eight deer have now been killed in Wyomissing where “the borough council directed the Park and Tree Commission to study options to control the deer population after ONE resident complained about a large number of deer damaging landscaping in yards near the park.”
As you may or not be aware of, there was a public outcry of the killing of the nine deer in the cemetery. What I have heard is the new supervisor of Charles Evans Cemetery wanted these nuisance deer killed. Is it true? I don’t know.
In Wyomissing, it also came down to one person complaining about these deer ruining landscaping in yards. And now the deer are dead.
If it is true about the supervisor and this one resident in Wyomissing ~what does this say? One person complaining is all it takes to have deer killed in this county. The Game Commission was called in each situation.
If you weren’t aware, there was also a herd of deer at Carpenter Technology that were kept inside their grounds. My husband and I would drive by as many others did too to catch a glimpse of these beautiful creatures. They now have been freed. I have heard they (Car-Tech) didn’t want to end up in a similar situation as Charles Evans Cemetery.
My question is- who decides if these deer are truly being a nuisance? Does it only take one person?