“Exotic animals may seem fun and like extravagant, novel gifts, but there are tremendous risks involved.” – Born Free USA’s CEO
People have begun their holiday shopping with some thinking about giving animals as a gift, specifically an exotic pet. The purchasing of exotic animals as gifts has become a concerning phenomenon with serious consequences. There is a widespread online trade of exotic animals as “pets,” including monkeys, lions, tigers, cheetahs, wolves, kangaroos, foxes, snakes, sloths, and more. Did you know all of these animals can be available with just one click online? This is far too easy to bring dangerous animals into homes with untrained people where they don’t belong.
Born Free USA’s Downloading Cruelty report – “Downloading Cruelty: An Investigation into the Online Sales of Exotic Pets in the U.S.,” demonstrates the enormous popularity of internet shopping has significant repercussions for the trade in exotic animals as pets. These animals who have never been available at pet stores are now readily visible from breeders around the country. The ease of acquiring them over the internet parallels the continuously-growing demand. Since the buyer cannot see the animal beyond a photo, and the shipping and payment options make the purchase simple and fast, the buyer is unlikely to have taken into account or begin to understand the serious and long-term care implications.
“An exotic animal is one of the most dangerous gifts you could give someone. There have been hundreds of attacks on humans that demonstrate the severe threat they pose, and they can also transmit serious and potentially deadly diseases to humans, including salmonella and hepatitis,” according to Adam M. Roberts, Born Free USA CEO. “Exotic animals may seem like fun, extravagant, and novel gifts, but the reality is that they have tremendously complex needs that require extensive care and commitment. “
“Despite claims made by exotic animal breeders, not one of these animals is “tame.” Purchasing an exotic animal as a holiday present perpetuates the abusive circumstances of breeding and captivity, and puts people at risk by exposing them to a wild animal who belongs IN the wild.”
Because what is happening with the online sales of exotic pets, there must be stronger federal and state laws regulating the online exotic pet trade.
People are plain stupid to buy exotic pets. Only a professional animal handler should be allowed to have any. People are stupid to think they know how to take care of a wild animal. They’re not babies, children or small pets you can control. They are wild exotic animals who belong in the wild where nature intended them to be. Leave these animals alone!!!!
Stupid is as stupid does. There are too many stupid people in the world.
Look how unhappy the monkey is in your photo. It’s not right!
Don’t give any pet for Christmas. It’s a bad idea all the way around. A pet is living thing not an object to be played with then discarded as many are. No pets for presents!
This is what I call stupidity! NEVER get an exotic pet! Why do people do this? Have they no brains in their heads? Exotic animals are and have never meant to be a pet. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I’m done.
This is as bad or worse than giving a puppy for Christmas. An exotic pet? People are simply crazy to do this. What are they thinking?
They don’t think!! 🙁