Tonight I watched an award-winning documentary, “The Witness” based on Eddie Lama, pictured above.
Just who is Eddie Lama? Eddie is a animal advocate who once was violent toward animals on the streets of New York by chasing down cats and hurting them to now being someone who is the co-founder and director of Oasis Sanctuary- a place that rescues animals.
What inspired me about this documentary which you can see in its entirety by clicking on the above link is not only the transformation of Eddie but how he has has taken his message to the streeets of New York to show people how animals are mistreated whether it be abandoned pets, factory farming, the fur and fashion industry and more through Fauna Vision.
Fauna Vision is a high-tech multi-media van which brings the reality of animal issues directly to the public. Eddie brings his message of compassion to the streets of New York.
He allows people to see for themselves what is being done to animals in such a cruel manner and for what? No words have to be spoken. The pictures and video speak for themselves.
The video is 43 minutes in length. Be prepared to cry. I did. It is inspiring, touching and only makes me want to help animals more. I encourage you to share it with others.