A reminder to all- PLEASE make sure you do not keep your pet out in this bitter, cold weather for any length of time. If your dog is a short-haired breed, it is best to put some type of coat to protect from these frigid elements.
Please use commonsense when it comes to our pets in this weather. They get cold just like us. If you see a pet out in this cold without protection, food, shelter or water, please local your local animal shelter or police IMMEDIATELY!! They can’t talk so you have to be their voices!
For anyone who keeps their pet outside, please bring him/her in during this cold snap. If you truly can’t or don’t want to, make sure they are well-protected with a dog box with wood shavings or newspaper and cover the opening with a flap. Also, don’t place towels or cloth inside the dog box unless it is well-protected from any wet weather. Unprotected towels and such can get wet and turn into a piece of ice for that dog to lie on. You try to do that!
Honestly, I don’t why you would have a dog if you keep him outside. That is no life for that poor dog. But if you do, make sure he gets extra food and fresh water. Animals need to consume more calories in the winter to help keep them warm.
I think of all the puppymill dogs stuck outside in this cold weather. Many die during temperatures like this. Horrific!!
Be sure to check in on the elderly and shut-ins as well. Many elederly turn the heat down too low or off to save money. They need our voices too!