Feel free to call in during tonight’s tv show with your comments and/or questions as I tackled the subject of Animal Activism and their use of social media.
Is Social Media used by animal advocates causing harm to animals? Are people turned off to graphic photos of blatant animal abuse? Do you think it’s right for animal activists to send hate messages on social media sites? Or do you think all is fair when it comes to animals?
The show starts at 6:30 PM (live) on Ch. 15 (Comcast) Ch. 19(Service Electric). Can’t see the show in your area? Streamline the show live over the internet by clicking on this link.
The number to call is 610-378-0426. You can also comment or ask a question on here or email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo.com.
Have a story, please email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at https://www.facebook.com/ACloseUpLookAtAnimalWelfareIssues.
I’m all for animal rights but am disturbed, quite frankly, the way they write on social media. Some are very cruel. It’s an oxymoron. They want us to show compassion toward animals but don’t know how to show compassion toward people. Strange.
Madeline, I have to agree about not showing compassion. I am so shocked when I read the things they write which no compassion to their fellow man. How can they care about animals if they don’t care about people? I try not to associate with people like that. It’s only getting worse.
Animal rights people are quacks. They yell, throw paint on you or try to shame you! How does that help their cause? Bunch of nuts.
wacky liberals. Can’t reason with them.
I’ve unfriended people because of the way they talk when it comes to animals. For people who are supposed to be so compassionate and caring, they sure do think they r holier than thou and think you know what doesn’t stink. They r downright abusive toward others on facebook. I’m all for animal rights but when you talk so nasty and vile, you’re not going to get anywhere. Too many activists think they’re all that since they have a fb page. Anyone can have a fb page even those who abuse animals. It doesn’t mean anything to me. I think I’ll stick to helping in my own way and not bother with all of these “organizations” on social media. Hurting the cause!
me again. and I hate when they come after you if you don’t agree with them. I hate animal abuse but when I don’t agree with their tactics, they’re ready to pounce on me or others. What good does that do for the animals?
Wish I could of seen the show.
I hate social media. Bunch of morons for the most part.
I believe in saving animals but I don’t believe how some of these trolls treat others on social media. They’re nasty. I’ve been called names when I didn’t have the same opinion. I’m clueless why they are the way they are. I don’t see how they can reach people acting like that. Unprofessional and a turnoff.
I find social media sites too negative as far as commenting is concerned. It appears many people don’t care what they say and how they say on a computer or their phones. Our society become a nation of closet “experts” who think they have the ability to not only tell what’s wrong with each other but in an ugly manner. Respect is out the window and there seems to be no end in sight. It’s only going to get worse.
Social media has become a magnet for troublemakers and disgusting behavior. People have no manners. They read what they want to read. I don’t think some can put words into sentences, let alone read properly. Negativity and bashing has become so out-of-hand that I find I don’t write that much anymore. People are ignorant and it shines through too much. I sense I can get more done outside of social media, especially FB. I’m talking about grown-ups who act and write like two yr olds. This is what our society has boiled down to. Bashing people without even knowing what you’re talking about. We’ve become uncivilized! It doesn’t help the animals.
I’m sick of facebook. Between the angry people and others telling you how you’re supposed to act, I’m staying off of it for now. I’m sick of the people who are ruining it for the animals!
I don’t even bother with social media. The people running most of the sites are crazy people. They think they’re all important and you will do what they say. They’re obnoxious and rude. I’ll help animals on my own, thank you vey much. 🙂
Very good post! We will be linking to this great article on our site.
Keep up the good writing.