Next Wednesday, June 27th, is the last day SB 1329 can be introduced and voted on in the House Agriculture Committee where it currently sits. If this bill is not introduced by State Representative John Maher by this date, this bill to end the use of gas chambers in the state of PA will have a very slim chance, if any, to become a law, “Daniel’s Law.”
So what is the problem? According to Adam Cirucci, Communications Director for Senator Andy Dinnniman (introduced SB 1329), he tells me they have spoken with Rep. John Maher and says he supports this bill.
Rep. Maher is known for his support of animal issues, according to Cirucci. Rep. Maher is known for his commitment to fight animal cruelty by the PA Veterinary Medical Association and the University of PA, School of Veterinary Medicine and was awarded their highest honor- the Distinguished Service Award, as noted on his website.
So I ask again, where does the problem lie? If this bill fails to get out of the Ag Committe, it looks very bad that PA will finally rid the use of gas chambers in animal shelters in PA.
Cirucci and I note that this is a head-scratcher. Rep. Maher told them he supports the bill but won’t introduce the bill for a vote. Time is of the essence. Maher knows this.
I have to ask myself, why would Rep. John Maher refuse to introduce a bill for a vote that could be a catalyst for other states to follow suit and end the cruel and unjust punishment of gas chambers as a means of euthanizing animals in shelters?
You tell me. We have no answers. I’ve called Maher’s office and will again. Here is his contact info:
Capitol phone number- 717-783-1522