picture courtesy of Red Collar Rescue- Rainy, Maltese-Poodle mix whose leg rotted and fell off after being treated
Rosa Martinez, 57, principal of the Tenney Private School, Texas, has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty after surrendering her three pets last week to Houston’s Bureau Animal Regulation and Care. A veterinarian at this center alerted police when he saw the conditions of the dogs.
All three Maltese-Poodle mix dogs were suffering from deplorable conditions. Rainy, a female, was the worst victim in this bizarre case. A severely rotted right rear leg that apparenlty had fallen off and her left front leg reduced to bone at the foot left veterinarians with no choice but to amputate after giving off a horrible odor. The other two dogs, Cyclone and Stormy were also neglected. One had a chronic ear infection and chronic staph infection while the third dog was severely underweight and suffering from sores.
Rainy, the worst victim in this bizarre case. A fund has been created to help with her care and possible leg prosthetics. It has already raised $5800. (Red Collar Rescue)
Martinez defended herself after being charged with animal cruelty to to ABC News’ Houston affiliate KTRK, “It appears to be an accident that I was not aware of. I tried to make it right,” she said.
You can see Rainy’s back stump with bone sticking out and her left front leg with bones exposed (Red Collar Rescue)
This principal claims she has no clue what happened that caused her dog, Rainy, to lose her leg. Her son noticed and told Martinez. This is when she surrendered her dogs.
Martinez proclaims,”she was upset and realized she could not care for the dogs.”
Martinez defended herself to ABC News’ Houston affiliate KTRK, “It appears to be an accident that I was not aware of. I tried to make it right,” she said.
“It really upsets me,” Martinez said. “I know you have to have advocates to protect them. In my case, it’s not fair. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Martinez stated that she didn’t have enough time to take care of her dogs because she works too much.
image of Rainy’s left front leg before amputation with the foot bones clearly and completely exposed (Red Collar Rescue)
Martinez may be charged a third time and could face a year in jail for each offense.
The irony of this story is that Martinez was the principal of a highly-regarded private school that created one-on-one learning for students. Students, whether gifted or needed more help than others, received special attention to attend to their particular needs.
Sadly, Martinez was unable to offer this attention to her own dogs. She allowed them to suffer needlessly. It is unclear is she is still employed by the Tenney School. They had no comment.
How could an educated woman who ran a private school say, “It appears to be an accident that I was not aware of. I tried to make it right. It really upsets me. I know you have to have advocates to protect them. In my case, it’s not fair. I didn’t do anything wrong?”
She didn’t even take her dogs to a veterinarian. She surrendered them. That’s how much she thought of their pain and suffering.
In the end, Rainy has been found to be the sweetest dog despite what happened to her and the other dogs. It’s called unconditional love something this principal needs to learn.
Would you entrust your child with this woman?
This is disgusting and sickening. A principal feels she’s been unfairly charged. What a delusional woman. Geesh
Maybe she should have the bones exposed on her feet then see how she feels
Come on, now. You’re joking. Right? Martinez can’t see how bad her dogs were! Is she nuts or what? If this school keeps her as principal, parents should think long and hard about their children attending it. Look at this poor dog. A leg rotted off, for crying out loud! It rotted off and she didnkt even take the dog to a vet! She is a troubled woman and has no business being around kids nor animals. Put her in jail along with all of the other animal abusers.
Exactly! True wisdom
Ok…you see bones sticking out of your dog’s body and you don’t think there’s a problem. Sick woman!
She’s a principal and she does this to her dogs and can’t see what she has done is animal cruelty. She has no business being around kids!
Are you freaking kidding me??? Despicable. She needs to be fired!
How couldn’t see her dog’s leg rotting off with the bones sticking out? Something isn’t right with this woman. When you look at your pets, you can tell if something is different or wrong. She didn’t care and she didn’t even get them vet care. She only turned them in. Sick! I don’t see how this school can someone like that. It starts with animals and then abuse goes to kids. Get rid of her.
barbaric, inhumane and her story doesn’t add up! She didn’t see bones sticking out of her dog’s body? She didn’t see her dog with sores, or emaciated. Come on. this is an educated woman. She lying.
I sure as hell hope they fired her! She has no business working around children. She allowed her dogs to suffer. How can she possibly care about kids? Fire her!
Please tell me this woman was fired!
That’s outrageous. How dumb is she? Please. Her explanation stinks.
and we think teachers have brains. MORON!
It would be very unfair to lump all professional educators together based off of the actions of one person.
Principals aren’t classroom teachers anyway. They are in charge of keeping the school running smoothly with the help of their other administration staff.
I hope you understand how harmful it is to unjustly create a negative opinion of a group of people based on the actions of one individual.
Its confusing when people say content is king, without
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Will surely be coming back, its a nice blog!
This lady is just a horrible women, she didn’t even try to seek help for the animals. I hope she went to jail for animal abuse,if not she must have a amazing lower. Just think about it principles are supposed to be kind,this shows we can’t trust anyone anymore.
This lady is just a horrible women, she didn’t even try to seek help for the animals. I hope she went to jail for animal abuse,if not she must have a amazing lower. Just think about it principles are supposed to be kind,this shows we can’t trust anyone