The man who bound and admitted to torturing his dog, a Labrador/Pit bull mix, earlier this year was convicted of two counts of animal cruelty last week. Russell Seese, 27, was sentenced to 48 hours twelve months of jail time in the Pike County Correctional Facility and to pay $500.
Seese served 48 hours or less of jail time. He continued to be employed by the Pike County Conservation District as a Resource Conservationist as of last Friday despite public outrage.
Lexi now known as Jaynah was rescued by Divine Destiny Rescue back in March when she was found by a state police trooper and a State Humane Police Officer. Jaynah had been found with her back legs bound together by duct tape as well as her front legs and her mouth. She was also placed in a dirty chicken coop with no food nor water. She suffered horrific injuries in which Seese didn’t seek veterinarian care.
From sources, it was disclosed that Seese was trying to kill his dog and this was the method in which he chose. In Pennsylvania, it is NOT illegal to kill your own dog. Yes, Pennsylvania needs to change its backward laws.
People started an online petition to have Seese fired and bombarded the Conservation District with phone calls where he continued to be employed as a Resource Conservationist. Ironically, Seese was not barred from having any future pets.
Yesterday, Seese received a letter stating he was fired. His name has been removed from Pike County’s Conservation website which was still there yesterday.
The people talked and justice has prevailed.
Remember your voice does count for those who cannot speak! You can make a difference and you have!
Jaynah has been working with trainer/behaviorist Nick Ferraro for four months and is just about ready to start a new life with a “wonderful new family with the right situation.”
How could they be keep a convicted felon on their payroll. Thank God, he’s gone! Happy New Year for Jaynah!
Was it a felony??? I don’t think so if it’s not even illegal to kill your own dog in his state. It should be a felony and he should have been held without bond. He should also never be allowed to own a pet again. This is where a pet abuser registry would come in handy as well. PENNSYLVANIA WAKE UP!!!
Piece of trash to do this to his own dog. He should never be allowed to have another dog as long as he lives. If it hadn’t been for the pressure from people, the Conservation District will still employ him. What does that say about them?
Well, it took them long enough. How can a judge allow this piece of trash to have another pet? That’s incomprehensible.
Russell Seese finally fired for torturing his dog- about time!
Russell Seese is a piece of dirt for what he did. The conservation district should be ashamed for taking so long to fire him.
Only wanna admit that I’m very happy to hear this news , Thanks for taking your time to write this.
Losing his job doesn’t solve the real issue, he can get another poor animal that could be subject to his diseased behavior.
So happy for Jaynah, looks healthy too
This man needs to be hung by his b—–.!!!!
yes he does ,I’ll help ya
I think they need to do to him what he did to his dog!
That bastard would not last long here.I hate people like him. he needs to be tied up and thowen in the woods .I really dislike people like him.
keep your eye on this scum and make sure he never ever has another dog in his life…keep up the pressure on him…he is a sadist
Pennsylvania…get your animal laws out of the 18th century and into the 21st! F@#$%&@# yahoos!!!!
the judge the attorney and this man should have their arms and legs and mouths bound with duct tape and thrown in a dirty chicken coup and left to die, this is the tip of the iceberg.. this man now thinks he is above the law the next step are people he will abuse. scum bag
It has always bothered me, that term “animal abuse”…going hand in hand of course with neglect. And that it’s a “misdemeanor” a minor infraction? People who can consciously and purposely inflict pain on a living creature ( or human being) NEED to be removed away and out of society. Permanently. No second chances. If they get “away” with such actions on a defenseless animal, what’s next? A Child? I belive we should coin a new term akin to homicide for actions that result in the death of animals, no matter if they are domestic, feral, or WILD. And STOP the thrill kills that are brokered by businesses like the Dallas Hunt Club.
What this man did was Horrible beyond thinking… But after reading the comments.. i think i have found the real sadists!
This idiot judge only fined this guy $1,000, but didn’t revoke his right to own an animal!!!!! What the hell good is that???? He MUST be banned from ever owning an animal again…if he kills an animal in the future, judge, that animal’s blood will be on your head!
Really? 48 hours in jail and a $500 fine? Let’s home this POS never procreates and does this same thing to a child or his spouse.
Disgusted and appalled by the U.S. justice system in general and Pennsylvania in particular. Keep Russell Seese listed as a potential “human” dangerous offender. We all know that these creeps start with animals.
Really? 48 hours in jail and a $500 fine? Let’s hope this POS never procreates and does this same thing to a child or his spouse.
Disgusted and appalled by the U.S. justice system in general and Pennsylvania in particular. Keep Russell Seese listed as a potential “human” dangerous offender. We all know that these creeps start with animals.
This was sexual. Someone better be watching this sick jerk. I wouldn’t want to be that idiot judge when this clown blows up…..and he WILL blow up.
Judge should be removed from bench. obviously protecting the money of the county. total incompetent, If he did not get maximum sentence may someone do the same to the judge. Both of you rot and slowly burn in hell scum! Just remember; there is a special level in hell for people that torture animals. Really hope there is some good old fashion midnite justice in Pa.
PS. may the same fate befall scum Russell Seese. we should video tape it so he could watch himself suffer as its happening give him a nice live stream to watch before he descends to hell
Just seeing this story. This maggot didn’t sufficiently pay for his evil. I hope he dies soon so he can enjoy the company of his peer satan. And the every single one of those responsible for the “justice” system” that allows these paltry slaps on the wrist can also rot in hell. Their stench is every bit as foul as this Reese cockroach.