A Rally for HB 869 will be held on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on November 14th, 10 AM – 1PM, to show support for the most comprehensive animal protection bill the state has ever witnessed according to Governor Tom Wolf. It is also to show Pennsylvania’s lawmakers how much this bill needs to pass this year.
The rally will be peaceful with a main goal of showing how we animal advocates are (collectively) a powerful voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. We need this bill to pass because it will have a significant impact on the protection of animals in the state of Pennsylvania. Our voices for those without a voice can no longer be ignored! Pennsylvania nimal protection laws are not strong enough for animal abusers. Finally, we have the potential to have serious consequences for those commit acts of cruelty against animals.
#HB 869 is a very important piece of legislation. It has the power to have convicted animal abusers forfeit custody of their pets. The bill includes #Senator Richard Alloway’s amendment, SB 1372, Libre’s Law, which will increase penalties for heinous acts of animal cruelty. It also includes SB 294, Cordelia’s Law, which will add protection for horses and anti-tethering legislation that would limit the time an animal can be tied up outside and in extreme weather. HB 869 passed the Senate unanimously on October 20th and passed the House Rules Committee on October 25th.
Sadly, HB 869 was not brought to the House Floor for a vote on October 26th or 27th. Despite a majority of support in the House, opposition prevented a vote on the bill. The Senate voted to move this legislation forward but we must still work hard to get this through the house on November 14th.
It’s imperative and time is of the essence for every person to contact their state Representatives and ask them to encourage House leadership to run the bill on November 14th. There is strong support for HB 869. According to Kristen Tullo, PA State Director for the HSUS, “100% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans support it.” Reps have stated that visits to their district offices to meet in person as an individual or as a group (2-6) prior to the potential vote on Nov 14th, direct phone calls, and personalized emails are very attention-getting.”
You can find your legislator’s contact info here: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/…/le…/home/findyourlegislator/.
Please remember to be respectful and polite when calling, sending emails or talking to them in person. If they support HB 869, thank your Representative for his/her support.
You are also asked to contact the House Leaders. Contact House Majority Leader, Dave Reed, and ask him to continue to do everything he can to get this bill up for a vote on November 14th. Then, contact House Speaker, Mike Turzai, and politely ask him to bring HB 869 up for a vote on November 14th.
PA State Representative Mike Turzai, House Speaker
Email: mturzai@pahousegop.com
District office phone: 412-369-2230
Capitol office phone: 717-772-9943
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RepTurzai
PA State Representative Dave Reed, House Majority Leader
Email: dreed@pahousegop.com
District office phone: 724-465-0220
Capitol office phone: 717-705-7173
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/RepReed
We must inundate our state Representative’s phone lines, emails, social media accounts and in-person meetings and ask them to support and pass HB 869. We need to stress the importance of House Leadership to bring this bill up for a vote on November 14th! There is no time to waste.
The animals are depending on us and the House to do right by them!
I can’t believe it’s down to the last day to have this possible vote. How will our Representatives live with themselves if they allow this bill not to come up for a vote knowing it’s the right thing to do? I’m praying this last push by advocates can awaken our house leadership!
I have high hopes for this to pass,
Please, we can’t have these poor innocent animals be abused.
I agree. They will continue to be abused if this doesn’t pass!!
This is why it’s important for all advocates to contact their Representatives and ask them to support HB 869. Make sure to also ask the House Speaker to bring it up for a vote which is vital.
Thank you, Animal Advocate.
I hope to attend the rally if I can get off work. Sharing.
Thank you for sharing and hope you can make it to the rally. There is strength in numbers!
Please pass HB869 for Libres law, he so deserves this as I have watched the heart wrenching story from the beginning! Thus will save many innocent life’s & put people who don’t deserve to own an animal behind bars for there malicious acts. No dog nor animal shall suffer like Libre did. He is a true Miracle from God!
Libre is a miracle and I’m thrilled he survived and is thriving but this bill goes beyond his story. Which is why we need this to pass. There are puppies and dogs dying in puppy mills right now. Libre was lucky. I wish all of them could be as fortunate as Libre which is why the entire #HB869 is a no-brainer to vote yes.
I can not attend unfortunately but we must keep fighting for the animals
Please pass this
Thank you Tracy. Your support and helping in the fight is what matters! Keep fighting to get HB 869 passed!
Please help the animals.
That’s exactly what we need to be done, Daniele! The animals need help and we’re fighting to get it done!
Thank you.
I will be at hospital in the 14th so I will not be able to attend rally sadley but I will be emailing and making phone calls.. Praying this bill passes. I will be there in ❤ and spirit.thank you for all you do !!!!
Thank you Bernadette for emailing and making phone calls to your Representative and to the House Speaker and House Majority Leader! That’s what all of us need to do. Thank you!
If the House Speaker doesn’t bring this bill up for a vote, we will know why. It will make me sick if it happens. I will have lost all respect. I’m going to refrain from saying what I feel until after the 14th. I hope and pray they do the right thing. #passHB869!
I understand your frustration but please don’t forget to contact your Representative along with the House Speaker and House Majority Leader!
Thank you!
Please support this bill!
Please, please awaken to the abuse animals endure. They were not put on this earth for man to abuse them.
Please stand up and be a voice for the suffering animals that have no voice.
Thank you for doing the right thing.
I plan on using Senator Alloway’s quote when talking to House Speaker. If that doesn’t work, the man has zero heart or feelings.
@Tricia, I agree with Senator Alloway’s quote. If they don’t vote or pass it, it means they’re on the side of the abusers. If they are bought by the NRA, they also support live pigeon shoots. PA is so far behind on better animal laws. Let’s hope they do the right thing next week!
Please pass #HB 869, House Speaker, Mike Turzai and House Majority Leader, Dave Reed! It’s the right thing to do for the animals in Pa. You know it. We know it. Don’t allow any interest groups deter you from passing this. We need you to vote on this next Tuesday. We’re counting on you for this. You will be hailed if you pass it!! Don’t let us or the animals down. I’m begging you to do this. Please.
I hunt deer. I’m sure your readers won’t like me but I wish they’d give hunters like me a chance. I’m for this bill. I’m also against live pigeon shoots. Those shoots aren’t about hunting. My buddies are against them too. It’s more or less about money as prizes. I believe in the NRA and don’t want to give up my guns but I also don’t want to see animals being abused. I support most animal legislation. If people would give us a chance, you’d be surprised to know that many of us are on your side. I hope the bill passes.
Wanted to go but have to work. 🙁
what does a rally really do to get a bill passed? Nothing.