September 20th ~The 5th Annual Puppymill Awareness Day ( as previously stated in another entry) will be held this year from 11 AM – 5 PM at Intercourse Park in Lancaster County, the puppymill capital of the East Coast, some even go so far as saying the United States. There are 10,000 puppymills all across the United States according the Humane Society of the United States.These poor dogs live in deplorable, despicable conditions as you can tell as you watch the following video.. it’s LEGAL!! Our voices need to be heard not only on September 20th but all year through. There are many organizations out there who are fighting on behalf of ending puppymills plus many, many individuals doing the same.
These dogs need ALL OF US TO HELP, NOW!! Please take action. Talk to your legislators. Don’t buy from a pet store. Tell your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors about the pet-store ~ puppymill connection. Do you realize that if you and I did to our pets what puppymillers do to their dogs, we would be charged with animal cruelty? What is wrong with this picture??
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH – HB(house bill) 2525 Rally
12-2PM, behind the Capitol in Harrisburg, by the fountain in Soldier’s Grove.
(Anne Marie Lucas ,ASPCA Supervisory Special Investigator , Stephanie Shain (HSUS) and Jana Kohl – author of A Rare Love to Breed about Baby , a puppymill dog and others will be speaking. You are encouraged to visit your Congressmen that day to let them know how important these bills are and need to be passed. Explain the horrors of puppymills to them)
There will be a rally and walk around the Capitol. If you are able, please show your support.
TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 16TH ~ I will be a guest on Comcast Tonite to discuss puppymills. The program airs at 6 PM, 7PM, 10 PM, 11PM on Ch. 21 (Comcast) Tuesday through Friday. As we get closer to the date, I will let you know when my piece will air.
FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 19TH – WEEU- 11 -11:45- I will be a guest on Feedback with Mike Faust (830 AM) to talk about puppymills. other guests- TBA. This is a live program. Please feel free to call in with your questions/comments.
FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 19 – Meet and Greet at the Eden Best Western Hotel at 7:30 PM. This allows people to actually sit and talk with other people who are involved in the fight against puppymills. A special guest speaker will be announced soon. This event coincides with puppymill awareness day.
SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 20TH – PUPPYMILL AWARENESS DAY ~ Many speakers will take the stage including Chris DeRose from Last Chance for Animals, Anne Marie Lucas, Stephanie Shain of the HSUS, Jana Kohl, Rescue Ink, PA Legislative Animal Network, Rikki Rockett (Poison – music group). I truly believe this will be the best year ever!! This event will include a march through the area to let area residents know what is happening in their own backyards. Please show your support by coming out to this yearly event. I plan to be there and I ask anyone who cares about the plight of animals to please show up for this important event.
SATURDAY THRUOUGH THE FOLLOWING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH-28TH ~ 1st ANNUAL PA WEEK FOR THE ANIMALS. This is a statewide celebration for animals in Pennsylvania. The week will conclude with Woofstock Festival at Riverfront Park, Harrisburg on the 28th. This event will run from 11 AM – 5 PM. Free admission. Held rain or shine. Sounds like alot of fun!!
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH ~ I will be hosting a special program on BCTV with an hour long discussion on puppymills with guests from United Against Puppymills, Humane Society of the United States, a local veterinarian and more. The program will televise at 5-6 PM on Channel 13 (Comcast ) and Channel 19 (Service Electric). This is a live program and your calls are welcomed to ask any of the expert panel questions you may have. If there is anything you would like me to talk about , please feel free to comment here or email me directly at
This has been the closest we have ever been to changing the laws, but there are a handful of legislators who are fighting the bills. Please contact your legislator today and let him/her know what you feel. Together we can make a difference in the lives of these animals! I implore you to help these defenseless dogs and puppies.
Just imagine your beloved pet cramped in a tiny wire cage with other animals barely able to move around and breeding every heat cycle. No veterinary care, no love or touch from humans, matted hair, skin infections, blinded, rotten teeth, going crazy being STUCK inside that area for his/her entire life and then killed because they are of no use to the puppymiller – IMAGINE THAT! Help us fight puppymills!
Tell me what you have done to help the fight. Have you bought a puppy from the pet store? I have heard stories from many people about what they encountered when did purchase a puppy. Have you ever seen a puppymill up close?
Have you called your representative?