A press conference will be held by Senators Andy Dinniman and Rich Alloway II in Harrisburg on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11 AM on the steps of the Capitol building. The purpose of this event is to not only show Harrisburg how much the humane treatment of our dogs, cats and other animals means to all of us, it will also include a package of animal welfare bills will be presented to better the lives of animals in Pennsylvania which is greatly needed.
Senator Dinniman stated “It is time to strengthen the penalties for animal cruelty (I’ve wanted this for a long time!) and for the Commonwealth to recognize pets as cherished members of our families rather than mere agricultural commodities. We need to show strong vocal support for such changes on the Capitol steps.”
“Despite the millions of loving families in Pennsylvania who have opened their homes to pets, many animals across the state still suffer from neglect, mistreatment and abuse,” Alloway said. “By bringing pet owners together with their legislators, we can help raise awareness of these issues and work toward solutions that will improve the lives of animals who will eventually become cherished members of our families.”
A Bring your dog to Harrisburg rally will be held at 11:30 and also in conjunction with Adopt a Shelter Pet Week. October is also Adopt a shelter dog month.
Anyone from Pennsylvania is encouraged to attend the event with their dog. Those who bring their dogs need to keep them leashed and it suggested you bring adequate food, water and waster disposal supplies.
If their is inclement weather, the press conference will be held in the Capitol Media Center. Dogs are not allowed in the Capitol Building. The rally will be held on the Capitol steps, rain or shine.
Senator Dinniman is proving to be a friend to the animals. I’m glad after seeing Congress acting like a bunch of idiots.
YAY! Can’t make it but am so glad we have a couple senators who care about animals!
While this is great because we need stiffer penalties for animal cruelty, it takes forever to get any animal welfare bills passed. Look how long it took to get a new dog law which is now a joke. We can’t even outlaw live pigeon shoots which are clearly cruelty against the birds. It’s good on paper but one has to be realistic to know it takes too long to get these bills passed into laws.
Why do they always have these during working hours? I can’t make it and I can’t afford to take off.
Why do they always these events during working hours? I can’t afford to go because I work to put food on my table.
Ooh, I want to be there. I have to see if I can come. Way to go, Senators Dinniman and Alloway!
Hey, what about cats? Why is it always about dogs? Cats and other animals should be allowed.