Tomorrow, a vote is scheduled in the Senate Judiciary Committee for SB 626 that would put an end to live pigeon shoots in the state of PA. This is so long OVERDUE.
It’s time we end this barbaric atrocity once and for all!
If your senator is on the Judiciary Committe (listed below), make sure you contact him/her today. To find out who your senator is please click here.
Let’s do this!
Greenleaf, Stewart J. , ChairWhite, Mary Jo, Vice ChairLeach, Daylin , Minority ChairScarnati, Joseph B., III, ex-officio
Alloway, Richard L., IIEarll, Jane M.Gordner, John R.Orie, Jane ClarePiccola, Jeffrey E.Rafferty, John C., Jr.
Boscola, Lisa M.Farnese, Jr., Lawrence M.Hughes, Vincent J.Stack, Michael J.