A pigeon shoot took place on November 9th at Wing Pointe hunt club in Berks County, Pennsylvania in which live pigeons were brutalized at the hands of workers. Birds can be seen having their heads torn off (similar to the pigeon shoot at Thunder Ridge Game Farm last month.) As sick as that is, the workers then dumped living birds into garbage barrels burying them alive on the property.
SHARK (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness,) legally videotaped the footage using their camera-equipped drone. The animal rights organization sent a copy of the tape to a humane officer investigator at the Animal Rescue League of Berks County. This shelter is responsible for investigating reports of all animal cruelty in Berks.
Steve Hindi, SHARK President, who has been fighting to end live pigeon shoots Pennsylvania states, “It is heartbreaking to see these innocent animals being tortured and mercilessly killed. What we filmed is not only evidence of criminal behavior, but it is a clarion call for legislation to finally be passed in PA to ban pigeon shoots forever. That is why we are calling on Governor Wolf to take action now.” “All those involved, including the owner of Wing Pointe, must be charged with animal cruelty,” states Hindi.
Pennsylvania’s newly updated anti-cruelty law (Title 18, § 5532-5534) that went into effect August 28th, says offenses are defined as, ” A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly illtreats, overloads, beats, abandons or abuses an animal.” It is now a felony if a person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly does any of the following : tortures an animal. Ripping heads off of an animal and burying animals alive is most certainly torture; therefore, punishable by law.
What You Can Do: Contact your legislators and tell them you want those responsible for and participating in live pigeon shoots prosecuted for breaking the law. Ask them for legislation to make live pigeon shoots illegal in the state of PA.
Contact Governor Tom Wolfe and ask that action be taken against all who are involved with live pigeon shoots at Winge Pointe club.
Watch the video here:
Tina Evangelista-Eppenstein is a television talk show host, speaker, writer and is an unabashed animal advocate. Her love for animals and quest for the hard truth is what drives her passion for all things animals. She hosts the show, ” A Close-Up Look at Animal Welfare Issues.” She adores her once-abused tripawd, Brody. If you’d like Tina to talk to your group or have a story, please email her at tevangelistaepp@yahoo.com. Like https://www.facebook.com/ACloseUpLookAtAnimalWelfareIssues and check out AnimalWelfareIssues.com for all the tv shows, articles, and podcasts you may have missed!
What the hell is wrong with these people???? Why won’t anyone shut down these abusive shoots? Why aren’t they outlawed? INSANE !
I don’t have a clue as to why live pigeon shoots continue. We desperately need a law to make them illegal. They will continue as long as they’re legal. Thank you.
This is one of the reasons why I hate some people. Treating animals in the cruelest manner with not a shred of compassion makes me like animals more than people. The deprivation of human emotions shows itself in those who can commit the vilest acts of animal cruelty. When the law won’t punish them what are we left to do? The law is clearly on their side. That’s crazy. What is wrong with Pennsylvania?
PA is behind on laws protecting animals. The punishment for hurting animals is still not enough. I don’t feel the law deters abusers from committing animal cruelty. Live pigeon shoots are exempt for animal abuse. One has to ask why. Makes no sense. It’s animal cruelty! Thank you.
Live pigeon shoots is animal cruelty. No one will prosecute them in Berks or Montgomery or is it Bucks Counties where they hold them. While we celebrated Libre’s Law, don’t forget the HSUS allowed the NRA to remove the live pigeon shoot clause which still allowed them in Pa. HSUS is sneaky. Libre’s law isn’t strong anyway. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime and no one gets punished for ripping heads of live birds and burying them alive? What gives, DA John Adams? Why do you refuse to do anything about this? Your constituents want to know.
what sick f$$%#
easy question, easy answer. someone’s getting paid off
Money. Don’t you think?