At 6:35 AM today, Pennsylvania officially opened its deer hunting rifle season. The season lasts 12 days ending December 10.
Across Pennsylvania, many schools treat today as an unofficial holiday so students can venture out into the woods to “bag” a antlered (buck) deer. Close to half of all bucks killed during the next 12 days will occur today.
Saturday, December 3rd, is opening day for rifle hunters to kill antlerless (does) deer.
Pennsylvania ranks on the top five list for hunting in the nation.
Father, sons, daughters, and buddies are in the woods as you read this waiting to get a shot at a possible trophy buck.
According to the Game Commission, this year appears to have the most trophy bucks available to hunters.
The PGC is expecting approximately 550,000 deer killed this hunting season which is down compared to last year’s number- 750,000.
Is a deer hunting season necessary and why? Why do hunters enjoy the hunt? Is Sunday hunting a good idea for the Keystone state? These questions and so much more will be answered on this show. My guest is Ed Eppenstein, Deer Expert/Wildlife Photographer.
Tune in tonight at 6 PM (live) n Ch. 15 (Comcast) Ch. 21 (Service Electric). Can’t see the show in your area? Streamline the show live over the internet by clicking on this link.
Tina Evangelista-Eppenstein is a television talk show host, speaker, writer and animal advocate. She hosts the show, ” A Close-Up Look at Animal Welfare Issues.” Have a story, please email Tina at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at and check out for all the tv shows you may have missed!
They shouldn’t be kill at all they have a right to live like everyone else and all creatures.
I can accept if they kill for food but not for a trophy I find it appalling that a hunters needs to hunt for the size of the antlers. That isn’t hunting. Hunting is about killing animals for food. Anything other than that is simply poaching to me.
I think trophy hunting is unnecessary and downright stupid. Why does it matter what the size of the antlers are? Aren’t hunters supposed to be doing for the meat? Poor bambi deer.
Hunting is necessary because herds need to be kept in check. Without hunting, deer will takeover in more neighborhoods. They already go into cities to find food. We have taken over their habitat. If you can tell me you don’t mind the deer ruining your expensive flowers and hedges and causing serious car damage or injury as a result of accidents, I’d say you’re nuts. Hunting whitetail deer is necessary. There are too many.
I HATE deer hunting. I’m glad fewer people are hunting this year which means fewer deer will be killed. What about all of the injured deer by hunters? Some deer have injuries that make them weaker and vulnerable to prey. This sickens me. Sloppy hunters. If the Game Commission would stop putting restrictions on the size of the antlers so they can become “trophies” to the hunters, more deer would be saved. I find the whole thing absurd. Trophy hunting is stupid no matter what animal it is. James Palmer, the dentist, who killed Cecil the Lion was going after a trophy kill. What is the reasoning behind it? To kill an animal to hang on your wall to show everyone how tough you were in a guided, canned hunt! Stupidity at its best.
I can’t bear to think how many deer were killed yesterday. I heard gun shots and I got sick to my stomach. How anyone can consider hunting as a sport has to have a screw loose or something.
heartbreaking, to say the least and I’m a man.
No Sunday hunting. You have six other days to kill deer. Why do hunters need another day. Let people enjoy seeing deer in nature on Sundays. Let the deer one day off too from being killed. That’s being greedy. No semi-automatic rifles either. Goofy hunters.
I agree about Sunday hunting. Hunters have six days out of the week to hunt. Let Sunday be the day for rest for deer and humans who would like to enjoy seeing them. Thank you.
Hunting is better than slaughterhouses.
Did you hear about the hunter who killed two pet dogs? The man who did this has been bragging about it posting photographs of the two dead dogs. The dogs got in his way of hunting deer according to him. He’s a sick perverted bastard.
Yes, I have heard of this horrific incident. From what I know about it, the man in question is being charged with felony animal cruelty for killing both pet dogs. From what I’ve learned is that the hunter was upset about the first dog scaring away deer and shot him dead. When he came down from his tree stand, he realized the other dog had also been shot but wasn’t dead. He proceeded to kill the other dog. It is very sickening and disheartening to hear this awful news. My condolences go out to the dogs’ owner.
Hunters aren’t so bright. If they were why do they miss so many deer or the big one that got away?
I understand that a lot of people are against hunting. We here of the slob hunter who does everything he can to get a deer by not abiding by no trespassing signs and disregard for the game laws. But there is a larger number of ethical hunters who prepare for, practice, and know that taking part in a states deer management program is serious business. As I said on Tinas program deer are prolific breeders. With mild winters and abundant food sources triplets are not that uncommon anymore. With higher numbers come more losses for farmers and deer collisions. Their numbers have to be kept in check with land carrying capacity for the overall health of the deer and the people who share their habitat alongside of them.
But what about the slobs hunter who injure and don’t kill the deer? I’ve heard too many stories from friends. It’s appalling to know they leave suffering deer in the woods who are easy prey for other animals. It’s not right.
Boo hunters!
controversial topic. Too many crazies have a problem with it. The meat is used for food.
Every one who hunt Deers should stop becouse God will put you too death he has might strong hands.
Hunter are very greedy People so is the Swamp People very greedy that why Jah will do away with them.