The Pennsylvania Game Commission is investigating a large quantity of deer parts found at a Chinese restaurant in Lititz, Pennsylvania on December 16 and 17th after two inspections revealed the violations.
New China House, 721 South Broad Street, Lancaster County was found to have deer brains, heads, tails, legs,spines, necks and other unidentifiable deer parts during the December 16th inspection. The restaurant was found to have 18 violations including the following according to the PA Game Commission:
“PA Game Commission confiscated the following from facility walk-in cooler and freezer after operator was unable to provide documentation that game animal meats being used in the facility were from an approved source: deer brains, deer heads, skinned and whole tails, legs, muscle meat, spines, necks and other unidentifiable parts both raw and cooked. Amount of parts removed included: 4 trash bags, 2 boxes, 3 plastic tubs, one 5 gallon bucket and 9 trash bags of prepared foods. In addition, sampling of prepared food found in walk-ins were taken to be tested for species identification.”
On December 17th, the restaurant was found to have 14 violations including the following according to the Commission:
“An uncovered, metal bowl containing an unidentifiable, internal organ of a pig, according to operator’s wife, was observed stored on shelf of walk-in cooler. Wife states that it is for her lunch however, documentation of source could not be provided. Discarded.”
New China House was found to be Out of Compliance and closed both days by the State Department of Agriculture while the “gross unsanitary” violations were cleaned up because they were found to be a menacing heath hazard.
The restaurant is open to the public; however, their website has their online ordering turned off to the public.
According to PennLive, “The investigation was launched following a confidential tip, said Travis Lau, Game Commission spokesman.”
The investigation is ongoing but Lau did state the following: “No one is permitted to sell the meat or other edible parts from harvested game. When hunters pay at the processor, their paying for their deer or a deer they’ve been given to be butchered and/or turned into some processed product.”
The owner could not provide documentation that the deer meat came from an approved source.
New China House will find itself being inspected more often now in light of these violations. Restaurants are typically inspected once a year.
The owner of New China House told PennLive that he doesn’t sell deer meat and the deer bones confiscated were for soup for him and his wife.
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I hear stories about Chinese restaurants and some have been true. I don’t trust what they serve and will never go to one again. I guess they think they can do whatever they want. I don’t believe the owner for one minute.
They still had 14 violations the very next day which shows they had no regard for the original violations. Who wants to eat at that establishment? Hopefully, no one! Eww
I don’t see anything wrong with venison if cleaned and processed properly. People are upset that these are deer parts. People eat other meat that comes from factory farms. Do you know how cruel that is to the animals? This husband and wife didn’t have the authority to use deer meat in their restaurant so they shouldn’t have had it in the first place. I bet they were going to use or perhaps they did use it already to serve to unknowing customers.
What a shocker! NOT!
Going to be used for soup? Yeh, right?
They’re known to use cats. This should’nt shock anyone.
I like this website very much, It’s a real nice place to read and get info . Well, except for the Chinese restaurant.