The New Jersey Senate Economic Growth Committee has passed S. 2057 which bans the shark fin trade in that state. The bill is sponsored by state Senators Raymond Lesniak (D-20) and Christopher Bateman (R-16). The passing of this bill is being commended by Born Free USA.
“Shark finning is a particularly cruel practice in which people cut the fins off live sharks and return their bodies to the water where the sharks inevitably die. The animals who are cast back into the ocean suffer slow, painful deaths by drowning or blood loss. This is not a fate that any animal should suffer,” says Adam Roberts, CEO of Born Free USA.
This bill is an important step toward reducing the shark fin trade that affects sharks worldwide. Over 73 million sharks every year are killed for their fins to make shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy. Fins are shipped to markets across the nation increasing the demand for this cruel product.
This bill, S 2057, is an important step toward decreasing the shark fin trade that devastates shark populations worldwide. Sharks play an important role in the survival of the ecosystem.
As more states in the U.S. pass bans on shark fins, the global threat to shark populations is reduced.
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Shark finning is heinous! Glad to hear this.
Certainly news I want to hear. why is it allowed? Cutting off sharks’ fins has to be one of the cruelest things I’ve ever heard.
That’s horrible.
I thought shark finning was illegal in the U.S.
Great news!!! 🙂