Yesterday, a tiger escaped during a photo shoot by photographer David Yarrow while at Detroit’s Packard plant. Also present were a bobcat and two wolves during the shoot. According to WDIV, the owners of the facility knew the photoshoot was happening , but were unaware of the presence of animals. Yarrow booked the plant but failed to disclose his plans for bringing wild animals on site.
During the shoot, the tiger escaped with Yarrow attempting to capture it with a huge blue tarp to resemble a ‘monster with a weed whacker and try to be scary and make loud noises. That just made him angry. You could see he got tiger rage, so we retreated.’
One of the factory’s security guards, Anton Ferrell, told the Detroit News how he thought he was ‘looking at a zoo’ when he saw the animals.
When authorities learned of the situation, it was reported that the shoot was closed down but not before the tiger escaped inside the industrial building. The tiger was captured unharmed by trainers.
Trainers eventually managed to get the tiger, which was unharmed, back in its cage.
According to Born Free USA, It is unclear from reports where the animals’ handlers, reportedly from the company “Animals” based in Montana, were during the escape as the security guard for the site allegedly called his friend to come and deal with the situation.
Yarrow is known for his work championing endangered wildlife, but Born Free USA is seriously concerned about the portrayal of wild animals in the media, which can create a warped public understanding of the threats these animals face in the wild. Adam Roberts, CEO of Born Free explains, “We know that Mr. Yarrow is committed to the conservation of wildlife, but we firmly believe that the use of captive wild animals in the media—photography, television, film—undermines that position. We hope that this photographer—and all of those in the media industry—will choose to focus on subjects that do not infringe upon animal welfare, conservation, or public safety in the future.”
It is unclear as of now how these animals were acquired, and which permits, if any, Yarrow possessed. It is illegal in Michigan for a private individual to own a large carnivore, and it is further illegal for large carnivores to be allowed to run at-large. Michigan statute requires them to be kept in a facility that “is sufficiently secure to prevent the large carnivore’s escape,” among other safety requirements.
Born Free USA and the Born Free Foundation said, “We need answers about this whole debacle, which could have easily led to serious injury or death for both humans and animals. The use of animals in this way not only compromises the welfare of the animals themselves, but also creates extremely dangerous situations for the people around them—especially the men we see in an online video hiding under a tarp, and brandishing a power tool in the tiger’s face. That this did not end in tragedy is beyond lucky. Wild animals belong in the wild, not as photo shoot props inside of a building.”
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How did they get permission to transport the animals? Don’t sound too bright to use a weed whacker. That’s a head scratcher.
Hello to everyone. I think this was stupid and an investigation is warranted!
Good article.
This story is crazy! Who uses wild animals without animal control?