Yesterday I sat on the opposite side of the road leading to Winge Pointe (located along Rt. 662 in Shoemakersville, PA), the club where the Labor Day pigeon shoot is being held. I arrived at approximately 2:30. I sat in my vehicle and took this photo. I then approached a few women who were standing on the other side of the road where I was parked. As I was speaking to a woman from SHARK, a police officer drove by. I admit my vehicle was parked on the road just a bit unlike the other cars. I knew the police officer was going to turn around and come straight for me. And he did. Plus another police cruiser. Two state police cruisers parked behind me with their lights flashing!
This was my first experience at a pigeon shoot. Yes, I am a novice. I was told that there wasn’t much to see from this vantage point-only the cars or trucks arriving and leaving the shoot. I was being told how to get a better look when the police arrived.
After speaking with the police officer and me being a novice, let’s say I made the decision to leave after being asked for my ID and my phone number. I received no ticket.
Yes, I felt intimidated. I admit it. I didn’t know my rights as a private citizen while trying to enlighten myself on the barbaric, antiquated and cruel “sport” of pigeon shoots. I wasn’t sure if I was actually allowed to park where I was. I feel badly for leaving knowing what happened shortly after I left.
For the record, I saw no intimidation from SHARK to any drivers.
It’s one thing to be intimidated by the police to leave the scene. But it’s an entirely different issue when the president of SHARK, Steven Hindi, becomes an actual target by a driver.
To me this is clearly and without a doubt a criminal offense. A person was intentionally hit by a driver.
Pigeon shoots commit cruelty to animals; although, it IS legal in PA. The last state in the nation to openly allow them. All other states have recognized the fact they needed to be outlawed. And here we have them in our own backyard.
But it is obvious, they won’t stop at hurting innocent animals. Here is the link showing what happened yesterday at 3:53 PM. To my knowledge, nothing has been done by the police. A license plate number was recovered. They do know who did this unthinkable act. Note- Steve does swear on the video after being hit. Clearly understandable.
You can learn more about pigeon shoots and SHARK by going to PAShame. On that site you will see how “nice” these “hunters” are to people.
( * And a warning….there is a video of a man at PA Shame at one of these shoots at Winge Point who let the cameraman know what he felt about being videotaped during a pigeon shoot. It isn’t anything you want your child to see. )
What do you think? Do you think the police will do anything to the driver? And do you think I should have stayed? Your thoughts.