Right on the heels of the decision that Mohnton Borough, PA. made regarding the trapping and killing of feral cats, Mount Penn Borough is now facing the same decision. A resident of that community, Ron Stouffer, “told council last Tuesday that the number of cats is increasing. He asked if there was any prohibition against feeding the cats and whether council would consider paying to have them trapped” according to a Reading Eagle article. Mount Penn Borough Council has agreed to look into Stouffer’s complaints.According to the article,”Stouffer was asked to trap the cats and take them to Animal Rescue League of Berks County or the Humane Society of Berks County but said he did not feel comfortable trapping the cats or transporting them in his car.”While council agreed to look into the matter, officials said there was nothing on the borough’s books about feral cats.
Do you think the timing of Stouffer’s complaints could be coincidental with Mohnton’s decision? Or, do you think he may see it as an opportunity as someone has claimed he has, to make money like the feral cat trapper from Mohnton will? That trapper will receive $50 for each cat trapped and taken to the Animal Rescue League to be killed. The Humane Society won’t be accepting these cats.
If Mount Penn follows Mohnton’s lead, is this a sign that TNR (trap, neuter, return) is truly in trouble in Berks County, PA?