Big black dogs. FIV+ cats. Senior pets. Special-needs animals.
Many factors can make a pet seem “less adoptable.” To promote these unusual (or, in some cases, too common) animals, Petfinder has designated the third week of September as “Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week.”
Survey Results: Which Pets are Hardest to Place?
Did you know that 99% of our shelters and rescue groups have housed adoptable pets that have a harder time getting adopted?
In fact, according to our survey, these “less-adoptable” pets wait for a home nearly four times longer than the average adoptable pet does … sometimes more than two years!
Which pets do our shelter and rescue group members have the hardest time finding homes for? Here’s what they said:
Plan an Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week event!
With more than a week to celebrate this year, use one of the following ideas – or come up with your own!
- Highlight a different special needs pet from your Petfinder pet list on Facebook each day of Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week.
- Host a “Black Tie” Adoption Event featuring only black dogs or black cats.
- Contact local media to feature a different special needs animal daily, along with a short article about caring for that particular special need (such as deaf pets or FIV+ cats)
- If you have a blog, have your “less adoptable” pets act as guest bloggers, detailing their days and what makes them special.
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