I read a very sad story about this flower (heliotrope-pictured) and someone’s beloved pet the other day via a social media site.
It’s that time of year in Pennsylvania when we plant our flowers or flower gardens. The variety of plants is plentiful from which to choose to make the outside of your home rich in color and texture.
One only has to drive and see the trees blooming, the colorful palette of flowers that blankets lawns and the luscious plants intertwined and among the flowers.
While this creates a beautiful scenery, it can also cause serious troubles for your pets, even death.
The plant that is pictured is heliotrope. Heliotrope is a flower that can have a potent fragrance. It’s sweet-tasting aroma draws the attention of animals. Heliotrope is known to be lethal to horses. Sadly, it was a beloved dog named Goldie who nibbled at the leaves every so often while the flower sat on their deck. The human family of Goldie had no idea what she was ingesting was causing her liver to fail.
Goldie became very sick and eventually she died from total liver destruction from the toxin in heliotrope. The pathologist told the family that their “angel” had the worst liver damage he’s ever seen.
The family is distraught but they want other dog owners to be aware of the potential toxic effects of heliotrope. This toxic flower comes in purple or white.
They want to help prevent any dog from becoming a statistic like Goldie. They are even more heartbroken because her death was preventable. Their own veterinarian didn’t know this flower was dangerous to pets.
That’s why we have to be vigilant about what our pets are doing and making sure they aren’t ingesting anything that can cause serious health problems or death.
Heliotrope isn’t the only flower or plant that is toxic to animals. Do you know if any plants or flowers you have decorating your property are lethal to pets? There are over 700 plants that can cause problems for your pets but only a small group can cause serious consequences.
Here are the top 30 poisonous flowers.
1. Nerium oleander
The Nerium oleander particularly its sap contains deadly toxic compounds of oleandrin and neriine. Ingestion of the plants substances in children and adults including animals such as a handful or 10-20 leaves consumed in adult could cause an adverse reaction, whole the digestion of a single leaf could be lethal to an infant or child. Symptoms of poisoning includes severe digestive upset, heart trouble, contact dermatitis and in severe cases could be fatal often ended in death.
2. Milkweeds
The Ricinus are popularly known as castor oil plant belonging to the species of flowering plant such as, Euphorbiaceae. It is typically raised and grown as an ornamental plant in the Southeastern Mediterranean Basin, Eastern Africa, and India. The seeds of the plants is very toxic containing ricin. In 2007,the Guiness Book of World record declare Ricinus as the most poisonous plants. The symptoms of poisoning may felt within 2–4 hours including burning sensation in the mouth and throat, dehydration, abdominal pain, purging and accompanying bloody diarrhea, low blood pressure and a decrease in urine. If left untreated it may cause death within 3–5 days.
3. Conium
The Conium are also known as Hemlock could cause respiratory collapse and death by blocking the neuromuscular resulting in muscular paralysis due to lack of oxygen distribution to the heart .Ingestion of more than 100 mg of 6 to 8 fresh leaves even in a smaller dose of the seeds or root may be fatal. The philosopher Socrates after being condemned to death for impiety in 399 BC was given a potent infusion of the hemlock plant as form of death penalty.
4. Bloodroot
The Bloodrot are popularly known as Sanguinaria Canadensis, bloodwort, red puccoon root, pauson and tetterwort in America and Greater Celandine in Britain. The plant itself contains toxic substances such as morphine like benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and the toxin sanguinarine which could destroy cells resulting in scabs in skin exposed to the plant substances.
5. Scotch Broom/Cytisus scoparius
The Scotch broom or Cystisus scoparius is popularly known as English Broom in Britain and Ireland. It is a perennial, leguminous shrub native to western and central Europe. The toxic substance from the plants contains alkaloids that would cause heart palpitation also affecting the nervous system.
6. Blue cohosh or Caulophyllum thalictroide
The Blue cohosh or Caulophyllum is a popular medicinal herb by American Indians and use as a dietary supplement that could induce labor, regulate menstrual flow, suppress menstruation, and ease the pain and difficulty that accompany childbirth. It also used both for abortifacient and contraceptive purposes.
7. Datura
The Datura is also known as witches’ weeds. Most parts of the plants contain toxic hallucinogens which could causes delirium and death. It is also popularly use as an essential ingredient for love potions and witches’ brews.
8. Delphinium or Larkspur
The Delphinium or Larkspur plants contains alkaloid delphinine toxins causes vomiting and death both in humans and animals. Poisoning result in cardiotoxic and neuromuscular blocking effects. The larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Dot Moth and Small Angle Shades insects who feed on their leaves and flowers seems not affected by its toxic.
9. Apocynum
The Apocynum is popularly known as Dogbane and Indian hemp contains cymarin, a cardiogenic toxin that would causes cardiac arrhythmia in humans. It also used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Mouse Moth. Some Native Americans used it as source of fibers while it is popularly known as herbal tea in China.
10. Duranta erecta
The Duranta erecta in Australia, China, South Africa and on several Pacific Islands is known as invasive species of plants. It is also known as Golden Dewdrop, Pigeon Berry, Skyflower and Aussie Gold. Almost of the parts of the plants including the leaves, barks and berries could cause death to children including domesticated animals. However, songbirds could eat the fruit without ill effects.
11. Baptisia australis
The Baptisia australis are also known as Blue Wild Indigo or Blue False Indigo is an herbaceous perennial belonging in the pea family. The Cherokees used it as a source of blue dye, a practice later copied by European settlers. While the roots could be used as teas, purgative or to treat tooth aches and nausea. On the other hand the plants could be useful as an antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, febrifuge, and stimulant purgative. Baptisia is considered toxic and should not be taken internally when pregnant.
12. Digitalis
The Digitalis are also known as foxgloves, Dead Man’s Bells, and Witches’ Gloves contains deadly toxic of cardiac and steroidal glycosides. most of the plant parts including the roots, leaves and seed are consider toxic, particularly the upper stem when nibble could be fatal both in humans and animals. Early symptoms of ingestion includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, convulsions, wild hallucinations, delirium and severe headache. In severe cases it may affect the normal heartbeat resulting in bradycardia and tachycardia, tremors, various cerebral disturbances, and visual disturbances.
13. Grevillea
The Grevillea are also known as Spider Flower, Silky-oak and Toothbrush. Drinking nectar directly from the flower should be avoided even some commonly cultivated Grevillea species produce flowers contains toxic cyanide that could be fatal often ending in death.
14. Henbane
The Henbane are also known as the stinking nightshade or black henbane has a psychoactive properties that would cause visual hallucinations, dilated pupils, restlessness, flushed skin, vomiting, slow and fast pulse, hyperpyrexia and ataxia. Most of the plant parts is toxic and proven fatal both to humans and animals in low dosages.
15. Lily of the valley or Convallaria majalis
The Lily of the valley or Convallaria majalis are also known as the Lily of the valley and Mary’s tears. From folklore beliefs when Mary cries the droplets become Lily of the valley. All parts including the berries are highly poisonous containing almost 38 different cardiac glycosides.
16. Brugmansia
The Brugmansia are also known as Angel’s Trumpets which contain dangerous levels of poison and may be fatal if ingested both by humans, animals, including livestock and domesticated pets. Avoid contact with the eyes as it could cause pupil dilatation, known as mydriasis that could result in unequal pupil size.
17. Euphorbia lathyris
The Euphorbia lathyris are also known as Euphorbia lathyris/Caper Spurge, Paper Spurge, Gopher Spurge, Gopher Plant or Mole Plan. Most of the plant parts including the seeds and roots are poisonous. The plants contains a latex substances that could causes skin irritation while Livestock such as goats are immune to the toxin. drinking goat milk who feed on the plants should be avoided as the toxin get pass on its milk.
18. Aconitum
The Aconitum are popularly known as aconite, monkhood, wolsbane, leopard’s bane, women’s bane, Devil’s helmet or blue rocket contains Nepalese poison have contains high levels of alkaloid. The Minaro, Chinese as well as Japanese Ainu tribes used poison arrow both for hunting and for warfare. Through purification it creates the aconitine substances which would caused paralysis of he numbs, nerves resulted in anesthetic effect in the skin. The plants when taken internally may result in slow pulse, heart palpitations including high blood pressure variation associated with fast heartbeat accompanied by irregularity.
19. Opium
The Opium are also known as poppy tears, lachryma papaveris could contains toxic substances well known as morphine and opiate alkaloid. The latex of the plants when taken internally could caused respiratory difficulties, coma, cardiac or respiratory collapse. While the normal lethal dose of 120 to 250 mg found in approximately two grams of opium and excessive dosage could lead to drug tolerance or physical dependence.
20. Atropa belladona
The Atropa belladona is also known as Deadly Night Shade could be fatal when Ingested both by adult and children and may causes delirium and hallucinations. Ingestion of up to 10 to 20 berries and a single leaf of the plant can be fatal. Symptoms of poisoning were the following such as having dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, slow or fast pulse, loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, dry mouth, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, as well as convulsions.
21. Pokeweeds
The Pokeweeds are also known as poke, pokebush, pokeberry, pokeroot, polk salad, polk salat, polk sallet, inkberry contains poisonous substances such as phytolaccatoxin and phytolaccigenin. External exposure through direct contact may caused itching, vomiting, dyspnea, perspiration, spasms, severe purging, prostration, tremors, watery diarrhea and convulsions. In severe cases causes it would cause weakness, excessive yawning, slowed breathing, fast heartbeat, dizziness, seizures, coma as well as death.
22. Rhododendron
The Rhododentron contains toxic substances such as grayanotoxin in their pollen, while the nectar from honey made by bees feeding on rhododendron and azalea flowers could cause illnesses to humans as well as animals dying within few hours after ingestion.The symptoms of poisoning includes hallucinogenic and laxative effect .
23. Yellow Jasmine or Gelsemium sempervirens
The Yellow Jasmine or Gelsemium sempervirens plant contains toxic strychnine related to alkaloids gelsemine and gelseminine. Subtances found in the sap of the plants may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals. Children who happen to mistaking this flower for honeysuckle have known to had been poisoned upon sucking the nectar from the flower.The nectar is also proven toxic to honeybees.
24. Ranunculus
Ranunculus are also known as buttercups, spearworts, water crowfoots and celandine. The plants parts is a source of food for the larvae of some Lepidoptera species which includes the Hebrew Character and Small Angle Shades. The plants itself is a popular ornamental flowers in horticulture technology for its colorful flowers. All parts of the plants are consider toxic both to human even to animals. The symptoms of poisoning includes bloody diarrhea, excessive salivation, colic, and severe blistering that affect the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract.
25. Sweet pea
The Sweet pea are also known as Lathyrus odoratus belonging to the legumes family. The name could be misleading unlike the edible pea which could be eaten, the sweet pea is the actual opposite as the plants parts contain toxic substances. Some variety of the sweet pea such as the Lathyrus sativus could be consume in minimal amounts but not advisable to be taken as regular part of the diet could cause lathyrism. Under experimentation rat who feed on the sweet pea seed develops enlarged adrenals, skin tissues damage, scurvy and copper deficiency.
26. Azaleas
Azaleas belong to the flowering shrubs species of Rhododendron which includes the typical deciduous Pentanthera and evergreen Tsutsuji. Azalea is also the birth flower of those born under the astrology of Sagittarius. In Korea they made wine from its blossom called Tugyonju. The Azalea plants are very harmful to animals especially to goats, sheep and horses with the exception of domesticated dog and cats.
27. Milkweeds
The Milkweeds is popularly known as Asclepias produces and when purify also contain toxic such as alkaloids, latex, and cardenolides. The substances are proven toxic both to humans and animals. In South America and Africa natives used arrows poison with glycosides to fight and hunt more effectively. The milky sap when ingested by animals may cause death, mild dermatitis. Though its Milkweed sap could also be a useful remedy as treatment for poison ivy .
28. Echium plantagineum
The Echium are known as Purple Viper’s Bugloss belonging to Echium family and commonly grown in southern Europe, Northern Africa, southwestern Asia and United States.The plants contains the toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids poisonous to grazing animals such as horses. The liver is damage and may be fatal often end up in death.
29. Silybum marianum
The Silybum Marianum are also known as milk thistle, Marian thistle, Mary thistle, saint Mary thistle, variegated and Mediterranean belonging to the species of Asteraceae family.
The plants contains high amount of toxic known as possium nitrate content and consider harmful both to humans and animals especially cattle and sheeps. The symptoms of poisoning includes oxygen deprivation in the body.
30. Centaurea
The centaurea are commonly known as star thistles, knapweeds, centaureas and bluets are grown in the Eastern Hemisphere, the Middle East and its surrounding regions. Some variety produces harmful toxin containing allelopathic that dwarfed many plants. The plants are also poisonous to horses.
This is only a partial list of poisonous plants. For a list of items that can be poisonous to to cats and dogs, visit this Poison List.
Not only must we be careful of flowers, you must keep in mind the use of pesticides and rodenticides we put on our lawns to protect them from unwanted bugs, rodents, weeds and more. Aerosol sprays can be appealing to animals.
When you use weed control on your lawn, it is imperative you wait until the grass is completely dry before you allow your pet to walk on it. As an animal would, he/she may lick the grass or paws after walking on it possibly causing serious problems.
Remember anything you put on your lawn has the potential of being inside your pet. If you wouldn’t ingest any product you put on your lawn, then why risk it with your pet.
Be safe and smart while making the outside of your home look beautiful.
If you suspect your pet has ingested any of the flowers shown or any other questionable substance, call Pet Poison Helpline (1-800-213-6680) or your veterinarian for assistance. Accurate and timely identification of the suspected substance is very important. Keeping the package or label can save time and may save your pet’s life.
Don’t let what happened to Goldie happen to your pet this season.
RIP, Goldie.
Thx for the info. Good to know. So sad for the dog and her family.
What a sad story. Thank you for posting the entire list of toxic plants.
Poor dog. My heart breaks when I hear of stories like this and it could have been prevented. Too sad.
That is so tragic. We plant flowers not realizing how dangerous they can be to our pets. I’m going to have to research the flowers and plants I put in my yard. I had no idea. I always thought poinsettia’s were toxic as was candy. Lilies too but the number of plants that can cause problems was much higher than I ever imagined. Thanks for sharing this list and the links. Poor Goldie. I can only imagine how her family feels.
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Please do your research on that story. It has not been confirmed to be true.
K, I did research on this story. I have not found any contradictions to this story to suggest it isn’t true. If you have proof to show me differently, please feel free to comment here or email at tevangelistaepp@yahoo.com.
Thank you.
Here is the proof that this happened to Goldie IS true. It happened in September 2011 to Alicia Harrison.
Here is the link and I am sure she would gladly answer your questions if you have any doubts.
Thank you, Laine, for the link.
Owning a cat is not just giving them food and playing with them from time to time. Before you get a cat home you need to fully understand your responsibilities in order to avoid future problems. The average lifespan of cats is approximately 15 years, so the relationship between the cat and the owner may last 20 years in some cases. If you understand that it means to take care of a cat, then this relationship will be calm and you will be able to avoid many problems.
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