“Enough is enough.” – Born Free USA CEO
“Betsy,” a Commerson’s dolphin, has died at Orlando’s SeaWorld Aquatic Park. Following the death of an 18-year-old orca, Una, at San Antonio’s SeaWorld in December, Betsy is the fourth marine mammal to die at SeaWorld since June.
Born Free USA reports that this tragic rate of demise is unacceptable and reinforces the conclusion that cruel captivity is completely unsuitable for marine mammals.
Commerson’s dolphins can swim at up to eight miles per hour in the wild. They are playful, known for leaping and spinning in the air which means they are highly active in the wild: something that cannot be replicated in a tank.
Their captivity leads to a frustrating experience when their natural needs to live in groups of two to one hundred dolphins communicating with whistles and clicks is hindered. This captivity leads them to suffer from mental and physical anguish according to Born Free.
According to Adam M. Roberts, CEO of Born Free USA, “Betsy had only the briefest taste of freedom before she was captured from the wild at less than one year of age. She clung to life in a bleak concrete tank for decades, never again seeing the open ocean or her pod. Instead, she was gawked at by visitors as she languished in a pool.
Roberts continued, “How much longer will SeaWorld pretend that it is contributing to wildlife conservation or meeting animal welfare needs by keeping these remarkably intelligent animals on display? The exploitative use of marine mammals is driven by greed, pure and simple. Enough is enough. It’s long past time for SeaWorld to yield to public sentiment and the welfare of these individual animals, and end marine mammal captivity for good.”
Have a story, please email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at https://www.facebook.com/ACloseUpLookAtAnimalWelfareIssues.
Wonderful information posted! Really bad what SeaWorld does. When will it end?
You keep it up now, unntesradd? Really good to know how bad things are at SeaWorld. Why isn’t anyone investigating and preventing them from having dolpinns or orcas?
Wrong,, wrong, wrong. :'(
Keeping these marine mammals in captivity is cruel and they need to stop before another one dies.
Ok. This makes me MAD! The confinement and boredom are cruel to these animals. SeaWorld doesn’t care about them. If they did, they wouldn’t keep them in small pools when they’re meant for the wide open ocean. I won’t ever go to SeaWorld!
Ok. Am I the only one who thinks someone needs to stop them from having animals. Too many are dying. They don’t get to live out their lives. Grrrr
Time for SeaWorld to close shop! they don’t deserve these animals. If they did, they wouldn’t let them die or kill people.