World Animal Day – October 4th
This Tuesday, October 4th, animal advocates around the globe will celebrate World Animal Day. It is a day recognizing that animals are sentient beings and to honor all species of animals. A day to embrace the need to help and protect animals. A day to acknowledge how animals enrich our lives and recognize the pain and suffering too many animals endure at the hands of people. World Animal Day unites advocates as we stand together to become a global force for change.
October 4th was chosen as it is the day of Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), the patron saint of ecology, including animals. It has been said that Saint Francis had the ability to talk and preach to animals and even tamed a wolf. He died on the eve of October 4th, which became his patron saints day.
The mission of World Animal Day is to raise the status of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. We can accomplish this through celebrating all animals, celebrating our relationship with animals, acknowledging the importance of their roles in our lives and show our gratitude for how they enhance our lives.
I am honored to have been chosen as an Ambassador for World Animal Day representing the United States.
As one of the 93 Ambassadors representing approximately 100 countries, we are asked to help unite the animal welfare movement, mobilizing people for action to create a better future for animals, increase awareness of issues affecting animals leading the way to improved standards of welfare throughout the globe. Animal advocates working together can make this world a better world for all animals.
I plan on using my media platform to continue to create awareness of the plight of animals on a national and global level. With my website, Animal Welfare Issues, my television show, articles, speeches, presentations, videos, podcasts, and more, I aim to tackle the toughest of issues pertaining to animals to give viewers and readers the opportunity of learning more and hoping to create a more humane world.
But, it doesn’t take a media platform or to be chosen as an Ambassador to be an agent of change in an animals’ lives. I see people engaged every single day to make a difference. There are so many ways all of us can do one thing to effect change. If you use social media (and most of us do) educate your friends on animal issues. If there is a cause you are passionate about, share it with others.
You can volunteer at your local shelter. If you can’t volunteer, donate items they need. If you can help monetarily, donate to an animal shelter/rescue/cause. Before donating, make sure the place/group is legitimiate. Unfortunately, there are fake animal rescues or scams on the internet just trolling for your hard-earned money. Inquire about the rescue and don’t be afraid to ask questions of the organization. Any legit group will have no problems being transparent to the public.
Adopt a pet! Foster a pet Hold a fundraiser. Hold a peaceful protest to raise awareness of a specific animal welfare issue or to encourage governments to introduce or pass animal legislation. Become involved politically speaking up and out to your legislators about issues that resonate with you and your beliefs.
Become a vegan. Don’t wear fur. Donate your fur to Born Free to be used for wildlife rehabilitation centers or donate directly to a rehab center.
Use animal cruelty-free products and cosmetics.
Help to look for a lost pet. Turn your backyard into a wildlife habitat. Partner with someone or a group to help animals.
More than 1.5 million people have also signed the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare which is an international agreement “to recognize that animals are sentient beings and can suffer, to respect their welfare needs, and to end animal cruelty.” “The Declaration is an important way for governments to express their commitment to protecting animal welfare and is a vital springboard to changes in international and national policies and animal legislation. It would help strengthen enforcement of animal welfare measures and promote humane treatment of animals in every corner of the world.”
Say thank you to those who spend day after day helping to protect and save animals. I admire those who are on the front lines rescuing animals on a daily basis. I know many people who engage in this very difficult but necessary work. I can’t begin to tell you or them how much their service is appreciated and valued to so many of us and most importantly , the animals.. I also am grateful for everyone who is doing something to help animals. There are numerous roles that are necessary to help and change animals’ lives. All roles are important and are part of a circle where each part is interdependent on each other. No role is more important than another because we must all work together for the greater good. A huge and sincere thank you to all!
Lastly, don’t forget about your own furry, feathered or scaled animal companion. Spend some extra time with them. Take him for an unexpected walk. Play with them. Show them how much you appreciate them. Show them how special they are and what they mean to you.
World Animal Day is October 4th but can be celebrated all year long! We need to be the voices for those who cannot speak and improve standards of animal welfare throughout the world. It doesn’t matter what you do or when you do it, just do it! Animals depend on us to make their lives matter and to create a more humane world.
Every single person can make a difference for animals. What will you do?
Tina Evangelista-Eppenstein is a television talk show host, speaker, writer and animal advocate. She hosts the show, ” A Close-Up Look at Animal Welfare Issues.” Have a story, please email Tina at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at and check out for all the tv shows you may have missed!
Congratulations, Tina! You’ve helped to shine a light on so many topics. We really need your show. Keep up the great work and what you do for animals.
Let’s see what will I do? I think I’ll drop off a donation at my local shelter. I can’t afford much but I know they need blankets and towels for the dogs and cats.
I’m planning doing something extra special with my dog. My husband and I work all day but we are able to stop home to take him out. Well, tomorrow, I’m taking the afternoon off to spend quality time with my baby. We’ll go for a long walk which he loves. He’ll get an extra treat. Wish I could take him to work with me.
I’ll never understand why people don’t think animals have feelings and should be treated more humanely. I’ve seen animal shelters who don’t treat animals right. If we can’t get them to treat the abandoned animals right how do we get other people to treat animals better. Everyone is not cut out to help animals but everyone can treat animals better. I plan to take my nieces to a horse sanctuary. They’ll love it! They don’t even know it.
I signed the petition. Thank YOU for all YOU do. Now I will thank my local shelter who does a fantastic job.
Celebrate! Celebrate! I love honoring all animals. I’m a vegan. I can’t eat anything that has eyes and a mouth. Too cruel for me. I don’t know what I’ll do but I want to do something. Does it matter if you do it tomorrow since I’m not sure if I’ll have time to do anything. I like the idea of celebrating all animals.
Hey, I know a rescue that doesn’t seem on the up and up. I’ve reported them but nothing came of it. I’m going to report them again. They’re not transparent. As soon as I read that part, I knew what I had to do.
If animals are labeled as sentient beings, there’s no way animals can be mistreated as they are now. It won’t happen in my lifetime but I’m crossing my fingers that it will. Signed and shared the petition.
Way to go Tina!
Happy belated world animal day. 🙂