Berkeley City Council voted to ban the sale of fur clothing this week. This decision marks the second city in California to officially to do so. West Hollywood was the first city to ban fur apparel sales in 2013.
It appears ordinances to protect animals on a local level are having a significant impact on our furry friends.
This is certainly a victory for foxes, rabbits, minks and other animals who are raised and killed specifically for their fur to be used in fur clothing. The animals experience a gruesome death so as not to ruin “their” fur. The manner in which they are destroyed include killed gassing, breaking their necks or vaginal or anal electrocution.
That’s what I’m talking about yahoo!!!
Now I understand what you meant. You’re saying, Yahoo! to the news! Me too!
Thanks, Jacyln!
Who wants to wear fur knowing what is done to them to get their fur? They literally stick things up there anuses in their vaginas to electrocute them so they’re fur does not get ruined. How sick is that? Anyone who supports that is no friend of mine. So glad to hear this news!
Let’s do this all around the country. One by one until there are none. I want to vomit when I see people wearing fur coats. Celebrities think they look cool wearing them when in reality it makes them look like trash. If these so-called celebrities care about the climate and environment, why are they wearing fur that belongs on the animals? They are hypocrites and can’t stand most of them. Do as I say and do as I do. I’m so happy to hear this. I’m doing the happy dance! 🙂
Fur is ugly.
Fur is gorgeous on the animals!!!
Yes it is, and it needs to stay on that animals!
This is how we will change our laws for animals.
If advocates work on the local level to make changes to existing laws or create new laws to protect animals, it would definitely would be of great help. Thanks, Lionel!