A group of animal advocates/activists will be protesting outside the Wyomissing Family Restaurant beginning today at 12 -2. The protest is in retaliation for the restaurant holding a four-day event to celebrate the 60th birthday of the owner of Pollack Furs.
Pollack Furs is a retail store located in West Reading. They specialize in the selling of furs and leather. Their website states “nothing is warmer than wearing a fur coat as a wonderful response to winter.” Yes, no one can deny the bitter cold weather that we here in the east coast of the United States are experiencing. As we many advocates know, killing animals for fur is a cruel and inhumane business just so we can stay warm.
50 million animals are brutally killed via gassing, of anal or vaginal electrocution as pictured, body-gripping traps, and neck breaking, according to Born Free USA.
Kelly Lehman of Berks Vegans is hosting the protest against the Wyomissing Family Restaurant today through Sunday. The restaurant is the site of the party for Pollack Furs. Check out the Facebook page for this event. The following is posted to their FB page regarding the event:
Call and email event THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY The Wyomissing “family” Diner is holding a four day event for Pollack Furs. … Millions of beautiful animals such as Minks, Foxes, Raccoon Dogs, Rabbits, Beavers, Chinchillas, Seals, Bears, and yes, even Cats and Dogs along with others are being killed and skinned only for an old school “fashion” misconception. By them hosting this event they are in tern helping to support the fur industry and that is unacceptable.
WE need you to please email and call in to voice your opinion. You make all the difference!
If you dont live in our area please call anyway to show your support! call: 610.373.3353 email: email@wyomissingrestaurant.com.
THERE ARE NO FEDERAL HUMANE SLAUGHTER LAWs TO PROTECT THE ANIMALS in Fur Farms; therefore, killing methods are gruesome. These animals are anally electrocuted, genitally electrocuted, thrown in gas chambers, poisoned, neck breaking and skinned while still conscious.
Speak up and against this practice if you feel killing animals for their fur is wrong and cruel. The animals need your voices!
Wonderful, thank you! Also protesting Saturday 12-2 and Sunday 12-2! Hope to see some new faces. Our email is BerksVegans@gmail.com for any other info or questions. Xo Greater Reading Vegan Society
What you are doing is a disgrace. How are the vintage leather items selling on your website? Hypocrite
Mike, can you please enlighten me about your question? Where on my site do I sell vintage leather items? Thank you.
I agree with Joan. Furs are gorgeous but on the ANIMALS WHERE THEY BELONG!
Anyone who sellls furs is stupid! To convince anyone that skinning animals for their fur is humane is not humane. What is wrong with society? They have blood on their hands and are as guilty as those who do the killing! God save the poor animals for the torture they endure!
This is way beyond sickening. They stick a prod up an animal’s butt so people can wear their fur! What a sick bunch of people. Shame on them. They will pay a price!
Glad rags for ugly bags. With all the synthetic materials, why do people think they should wear furs? Furs are gorgeous, but not on people.
Awesome article.
Fur belongs on anmals not on people. If we were meant to wear fur, we would have born with a fur. Animals are born with their fur. Their fur serves a purpose. The purpose is not for man to kill them and skin them, some alive, for people. It’s so disturbing to see a person wearing a fur. An animal that was caged all of its life and die a most horrific death. All in the name of vanity.
Wish I had known about this event. I would have been there. Disgusting.