Charges of animal cruelty were dismissed against a New Jersey businessman and longtime pigeon shooter, Richard Pieros, earlier today due to lack of evidence that he ‘angrily slammed his cap on a wounded and bleeding pigeon that had landed on his vehicle”, according to a press release I received from SHARK (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness).
According to SHARK, on June 3rd, 2012, Mr. Pieros, owner of Pieros Construction, was videotaped by SHARK at a pigeon shoot at the Erdman Sportmen’s Association in Dauphin County, PA. The videotape of which I do not have a copy allegedly shows Mr. Pieros committing this act of animal cruelty against the pigeon.
The Honorable Gregory D. Johnson dismissed this case during today’s trial in Dauphin County, PA. Charges of animal cruelty had been filed on June 19, 2012.
SHARK’s response to the verdict comes from Stu Chaifetz, SHARK investigator: “Any responsible person watching the video would see that Richard Pieros hit the bird and was very angry when he did it. Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania judicial system is squarely in the pigeon shooters pocket.”
I’ve personally viewed many of SHARK’s videos which are available for the public to see on their website and youtube channel. You can view some of those videos here and examine what transpires at pigeon shoots and arrive at your own conclusions as to what you are witnessing. I undeniably see what pigeon shooters do to innocent birds at these shoots due to the documentation by SHARK’s investigators. My opinion is the birds are unmistakingly mishandled in a cruel manner. Images of birds being kicked, thrown, shook and stomped on are only some of the vivid images etched in my mind.
Once again, a pigeon shooter has charges dropped against him despite the video evidence presented in court. As I said earlier, I have not seen the video related to this case. Having viewed many of SHARK’s public videos, I personally and highly doubt SHARK would go to court without proper corroboration to support the charges of animal cruelty against Mr. Pieros. The Honorable Gregory D. Johnson obviously didn’t see it that way.
PA is the last state in the nation to publicly allow live pigeon shoots. It appears the law is, once again, on the side of those who abuse these birds, in my opinion. This scenario is reduplicated each time legal proceedings are involved with pigeon shooters and the clubs in which they are held.
What will it take for a judge or the judicial system to not only recognize the blatant abuse against pigeons at these shoots but also do what is right and uphold the law regarding animal cruelty in PA?
Not right!
Is it not awkward to shoot pigeons for fun? I find it very distasteful.