Betsy Groller was my television guest last month to talk about communicating with animals. Betsy is an animal communicator who helps to heal pets, helps people to understand their pets better, aids in finding lost pets and helps our beloved animal companions during the euthanasia process among other things. I hope you find her article as fascinating as I did which explains more acutely what animal communication is. Many thanks to Betsy for writing this article.
Often when people hear the words Animal Communicator or Intuitive they cringe picturing someone sitting behind a crystal ball or on one of the 1-800 chat lines. This type of work allows for imposters to scam people but what I hope this article will do is help people to understand there are so many gifted people that have the ability to connect with others in a non-physical way. I think each of us are given gifts to help one another. Some people may be gifted in numbers or able to fix things, others may have the ability to connect in such a way that words are not needed.
Animal Communication and Intuitive work connects on a non-physical way. Did you ever receive a phone call and knew who it was at that moment? Did you ever look at someone and could feel in your heart that something was not right with them? Intuitive communication works in this way. It is allowing ourselves to go deeper than the surface information that we are bombarded with each day. The news, Facebook messages, emails, all of the constant overload of information we receive on a daily basis takes us farther and farther away from that connection. Intuitive communication goes deeper and often uses our other five senses. Some communicators are visual receiving picture images, others are empathic and can feel intuitively what is going on with an animal or person. While others may have words or songs come into their mind that communicates a message from the animal.
How do animals communicate? Have you ever noticed how your animal companion can sense that a person is scared or perhaps dangerous without ever a word being spoken? Animals have that ability to be able to communicate through non-verbal methods. Animal communicators have the ability to connect with an animal and translate messages from the animal’s non-verbal messages. Animals want to communicate with us, if you look at your pet right now I am sure they are trying to tell you something. “I’m hungry.” “Let’s play.” You can see it in the physical way they interact or even how they bark or meow at you.
Reiki is another alternative therapy for your animal companion. The teachings of Reiki originated in Japan in the early 1920’s. It is a practice that focuses on overall healing for the recipient. The healing can be physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual. How can an animal have spiritual healing? Animals approaching the end of their life may need healing on a more spiritual level. It can give them the peace to be able to pass in a gentle way that can be a beautiful experience for them and their human companion. I have offered Reiki during a pet’s euthanasia and it has been a healing experience for all involved.
Reiki can help to bring deep relaxation to your pet helping them to be in a healing state. For healthy animals this can result in strengthening their immune system or increasing their energy or even calming it. For animals that have physical ailments it can help them feel more comfortable, experience less pain or even help them heal from their ailments. In Japan, they often would recommend a series of treatments to elicit a healing response from the body. Often the ailments were healed in those series of treatments. The potential for healing is there, we just have to be open to it. Even if an animal has a terminal illness Reiki can help with pain and bring a level of peace to the animal and even owner.
Whether it is Reiki or Animal Communication there are alternative practices available to you and your pet to help elicit healing and overall balance. Experience a treatment or session before you close the door to the possibilities these services can offer you and your animal companion.
If you would like more information or to schedule a session please contact me at Website:
Have a story, please email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at
This is hogwash. Don’t believe in it at all. How can anyone see images without knowing the animal? Too far fetched for me.
I used an animal communicator once. I never believed in them but didn’t know what else to do when my dog went missing. It actually worked. I think we have to be more understanding and less skeptical of things we don’t understand. I am thankful for the communicator who helped me reunite with my dog.
I am very happy for you that an animal communicator was able to help locate your missing dog. I believe we need to keep our minds open to different possibilities as you stated. Thanks for sharing.
I don’t know how reiki helps anyone.
I believe in animal communicators although I’ve never used one. I know others who have and have benefited from their services. No one is making anyone believe or use one if they don’t want to but it’s good to know there are other avenues to help our pets if we so choose.