Kristin Tullo, Pennsylvania State Director for the Humane Society of the United States, will be my guest this Wednesday, to discuss the latest animal abuse cases in the Keystone State. They include the Boston Terrier puppy, Libre, who was left to die in a Lancaster County puppy mill by the owner. A good Samaritan saved him and through much-needed veterinary help, Libre is now thriving in his new home. Libre’s case made news internationally.
Earlier this summer, Lancaster County made the national news again when a horse collapsed on a road. A bystander witnessed the man hit and punch him for which the owner received a fine. The Lancaster County DA is calling for stronger laws and punishment.
Kristin Tullo has been involved in Libre’s case and the horse’s death.
Tullo and I will talk about what is happening and what can be and is being done to change animal abuse in Pennsylvania.
I hope you will tune in to find out what you can do to make a difference in the lives of animals on an individual basis and collectively with others. Change needs to happen to help the animals.
Showtime is 6:30 PM (live) on Ch. 15 (Comcast) Ch. 21 (Service Electric). The program airs in Pennsylvania. Can’t see the show in your area? Streamline the show live over the internet by clicking on this link.
Tina Evangelista-Eppenstein is a television talk show host, speaker, writer and animal advocate. She hosts the show, ” A Close-Up Look at Animal Welfare Issues.” Have a story, please email Tina at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at and check out for all the tv shows you may have missed!
Really good show.ur guest was really knowledgeable. Really impressive.
Kristin was very good. When did she say the rally was for Libre’s law in Harrisburg?
The rally will be held on September 28th on the capitol steps in Harrisburg. Tell your friends!
It’s always been bad in pa. We’re known as having the most puppy mills. We’re an agricultural state where lots of farm animals are raised and killed.
Animal abuse is on the increase in pa. Our laws are a joke so there’s nothing to stop them from doing the dumbest and cruelest things to them. I’m glad you covered this topic. It’s really needed. Can I see this show somehow?
Look at Libre, the puppy who nearly died at a puppy mill. Yes it has escalated because too many look at animals as second rate to humans.
Sure it has. Their laws are too weak and people know they can get away with bein cruel to animals. 🙁
Pennsylvania is so bad which is why Rep. Ryan Bizzarro tried to get his bill, HB 869 passed to help animals in this state. It failed because the NRA reigns supreme. Due to this, animal abuse continues to proliferate. Lancaster County is one of the worst in the state for abuse. Horse abuse and puppy mills. Money talks while protesters walk to combat this continued escalating issue.
We aren’t winning the war on animal abuse anywhere. There is more and more of it. It has escalated everywhere. It’s so sad.
I think animal abuse in Pennsylvania is as bad as it ever was. A new law isn’t going to change this.