Absolutely no more puppy mills. No one person can or should take care of 60-70 dogs- they are not commodities- dogs are living companions who do not deserve to live in cages. Sam Lapp should not get the opportunity to do just this! Just say no!!!!!!
No more puppy mills!!! Rescue shelters are overflowing. Let’s find homes for those animals before we allow and encourage more breeding. People who run puppy mills DO NOT TREAT THEM HUMANELY. What we allow will continue. STOP STOP STOP
Absolutely no more puppy mills. No one person can or should take care of 60-70 dogs- they are not commodities- dogs are living companions who do not deserve to live in cages. Sam Lapp should not get the opportunity to do just this! Just say no!!!!!!
No more puppy mills!!! Rescue shelters are overflowing. Let’s find homes for those animals before we allow and encourage more breeding. People who run puppy mills DO NOT TREAT THEM HUMANELY. What we allow will continue. STOP STOP STOP
Aren’t way too many helpless dogs already suffering in PA puppy mills?