Andy Lakatosh and Jessican Smallman (fiance) with their dog, Dunkin, an 8 month old Goldendoodle who was sold as a Labradoodle by Almost Heaven (Hell) Kennel. Photo courtesty of Harry Fisher of the Morning Call
An article in today’s Morning Call by Bill White clearly states that Almost Heaven Kennel sold puppies to unsuspecting buyers who did not get the breed they thought they were purchasing. DNA testing provided by the Morning Call was used on Dunkin, pictured, to prove, he was not , in fact a Labradoodle. They also tested on other puppies purchased from this kennel last year yielding the same results. The puppies’ parentage did not match what Almost Heaven told them.
According to this article, Patty Fontana, a former employee said she knew what she was doing with these puppies. But as she said she wanted to get these dogs out of that hell-hole. Was this wrong of her to do? Yes and no. Yes, she deceived buyers who were looking for a specific breed and no for the simple fact she felt she wanted to get those dogs out of there. I can’t say I blame her and I don’t. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to save the lives of these animals stuck in these horrific hell-holes!
According to Fontana, Eckhart’s philosophy was “Never give up on a sale”. That is how we know he will fight to keep this hell-hole open, no matter what tactics he will use including selling the kennel. As you are aware from a previous post I wrote, Eckhart sold his place to April DottererWelter, his assistant. (I had written it was his adopted daughter to whom he sold it. Sorry for the misinformation, but that was what I had been told.)
Eckhart nor Welter have a current license for the T.A.S. kennel (formerly Almost Hell- sorry, Heaven, Kennel). Interestingly, Linda G. commented on this blog yesterday and showed how this place passed an inspection just two weeks ago. I read it myself and they did and still don’t understand it at all! A state veterinarian even checked it out and said everything was fine.
How can you pass a place that had one of the largest raids on a puppymill just months prior to this. Could they have cleaned it up? Yes. Did they get rid of dogs? Yes. But the fact remains, this place has been a hell-hole for years and needs to be shut down. Eckhart has been convicted of animal cruelty in the past and today he has a hearing I will be attending on more animal cruelty charges.
I have a friend who lives right down the road from this place and has known how bad it is for years. If she knew about it and countless others, how can any dog warden have passed this place? Too many people know the history of this place and yet, it is still operating.
What exactly is going on here? There is no current kennel license listed for either person involved and according to this article, Eckhart’s kennel license is still pending? What???
Tell me, anyone, what does it take to close this place for good? How many more animals have to suffer because its doors are never permanently closed? What don’t I understand?