Five animal shelters will be awarded $5,000 each by Alley Cat Allies in conjunction with National Feral Cat Day this year. Their mission is to help animal shelters advance their policies and programs to save more cats.
National Feral Cat Day will be held on October 16th, 2014.
According to Alley Cat Allies, animal pounds and shelters are this country’s #1 documented killer of cats, “which kills seven out of every 10 cats who enter them.”
Their goal is about transforming shelters to make communities safe for our cats. They’re touring the country, meeting with supporters and working to reform local shelters’ policies to save cats’ lives.
Alley Cat Allies isn’t only try to educate people about TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) but making a real social change in the way communities value cats’ lives.
To qualify for this year’s NFCD Challenge Awards Program, shelters must commit to an official Feral Cat Protection Policy, which means that they stop impounding feral cats, and support Trap-Neuter-Return.
Find out more at And ask your local shelter to apply for a National Feral Cat Day® Challenge Award! Applications are due on Friday, Sept. 20.
Going to tell my local shelter about this. They euthanize too many cats. It’s so sad to know the majority of cats that go into the shelter never leave, alive.
I hope shelters learn something from Alley Cat Allies and change their ways. As your article says, shelters are the number one killer of cats. Go into any shelter and you’ll see more cats than dogs. They destroy them as a way to deal with the overpopulation problem. This solves nothing!
TNR only works if you get ALL cats in a colony and that’s next to impossible when cats come and go all the time. I don’t think there’s any solid proof that TNR works in the long run.
My local shelter kills feral cats as soon as they’re dropped off. They never even give them a chance. They’re better off if people let me be. Most shelters, if not all, don’t have the resources to help these wild cats.
Feral cats pose too many dangers to other animals and to people. TNR only creates colonies of cats roaming my neighborhood. Im tired of them coming into my yard doing their business after others feed them. I didn’t ask for this and I don’t think it’s fair that I’m stuck cleaning up after them.
This sounds like a cool idea. Hope shelters will wake up and see how euthanizing feral cats isn’t the way to go anymore.
Most shelters aren’t going to stop killing feral cats. Too many of them are short-staffed and underfunded. It’s much easier to destroy feral cats than to try to learn to save their lives. It will require too much commitment from shelters. I don’t see many doing it.
People who take care of feral cats mean well but they’re causing a nuisance for me and my neighbors. We have lots of cats coming in our area for the food the neighbors put out. Feeding them will only bring more to the area. While I know it isn’t their fault, it’s not helping the situation either. I’m tired of this.
Kudos to Alley Cat Allies for doing this. This is a great idea. I hate seeing and knowing the majority of cats are dying at my local shelter no matter how much they say they don’t. It’s obvious they kill. It’s horrible. It isn’t only feral cats who meet this fate. Healthy and young cats are also euthanized. Too sad and wrong.
Why should I be responsible for cats that belonged to someone else? If they were forced to have licenses, animal control could go after them and fine them. I think licensing cats would help with all cats.
Feral cats are just as important as indoor cats. This is through no fault of their own yet people want to have them killed. Their owners put them out on the street, not them! Grow up to all of the feral cat haters. They need people to watch out for them too.