January 19th, 6:30 PM – The Animal Legal Defense Fund‘s Lora Dunn, Staff Attorney for ALDF’s Criminal Justice Program will be my guest as the discussion revolves around the 1st statewide Animal Abuse Registry going into effect on Tennessee this past January 1st.
Lawmakers and supporters of the piece of legislation hope this effort will help deter animal abusers and prevent pets from being adopted by those with violent pasts.
Dunn will talk about the ALDF’s role in Animal Abuse Registries and the effects it hopes to have to save animals from cruelty in Tennessee.
Some say an Animal Abuse Registry will not be effective since Sex-Offenders’ Registries haven’t proven to work. We’ll find out more on this tomorrow night.
Other points to be covered will be the information that will be provided by the registry, how it will work and who is eligible to access the information.
Please join the conversation by calling in or leave a comment here or email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo.com.
The show starts at 6:30 PM on Ch. 15 (Comcast) Ch. 21 (Service Electric). The program airs in Pennsylvania. Can’t see the show in your area? Streamline the show live over the internet by clicking on this link.
Have a story, please email me at tevangelistaepp@yahoo. Like my tv page at https://www.facebook.com/ACloseUpLookAtAnimalWelfareIssues.
Congratulations to Tennessee for being the first smart state to create this much needed registry. Hope other states follow suit and do the same.
This should universal in the states. I don’t understand why the HSUS is against an abuser registry. I think it has something to do with Michael Vick. If a registry exists in the state where Vick lives, he has to register and Pacelle has backed this animal killer all of these years. H even encouraged him to get a pet saying he was ready. HSUS sucks.
Too bad I missed that show. That interests me. We need a national animal abuse registry.